

New Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Not sure where to start really.... I feel totally alone.... I have been trying for baby number 2 since July 07 and I fell pregnant July 08, only to have a miscarriage in Aug 08! I cant stop crying... My periods are so inregular they vary from 23 days to 29 days so I never know when I am fertile. I do use test sticks but in 18months only fell pregnant once... I have been to my doctor to be told "live is unfair, some people get cancer and some done"..... I am 38 and worried that my time will run out soon.... Any advice... x :(
Sorry to hear of your loss.

Your doctor sounds very rude and unhelpful and I would ask to see a different one if I were you as it sounds like you are in need of some advice. :hug:
Your doctor should never have said that to you that is appalling!

It is an awful thing to have to go through and I think a lot of people feel alone even when surrounded by supportive family and friends. I know I do (although I don't have the supportive family and friends bit :lol:) so it's only natural to get really low about it.

The good thing is, on here, people do seem to understand and have certainly been there for me when others haven't.

Big hugs to you

So sorry for your loss hun :hug:

I'd demand an apology from your dr and either change practice or see someone else. There's a dr at my surgery who I refuse to see as he's been so rude to me in the past.

I hope you get your bfp soon. I know this isn't really very helpful but the fact you're putting such pressure on yourself will make it harder. Try to relax about it and i'm sure things will happen for you.

Take care :hug:
i'm sorry for your loss honey, i lost baby number 2 at one month into the pregnancy also. your doc sounds very flippant and tactless :evil:

i dont know much about TTC yet but i plan to TTC in 2009, i have learned a lot already from the lovely ladies on TTC section, i think there's an irregular cycles club if i'm not mistaken? i'm sure they got loads of advice for you :hug:

good luck with TTC again when you are ready :hug:
Hi, i am like you also, i have very irregular periods, my earliest being 22 days and the latest being 40. Its a total nighmare when ttc. Now i just ensure me and my oh bed from the 14th day and onwards after my period. I've tried the ov sticks and everything but it was putting too much pressure on ourselves and as soon as i was told by my consultant that i may not be able to have kids, due to blocked tubes, i started to relax and thought it will never happen to me and thats when i fell pregnant. Unfortunately i m/c. Had to visit my doctor today to inform him of my loss and i couldnt have wished for a more sympathetic doctor. You should def change your doc, he sounds so unsupportive and thats not what you need at time like this.

Sorry, ive rambled on a bit and i'm sorry for your loss. :hug:
If I were you, I'd strongly consider changing doctors. I'm considering dong the same thing, although my doctors don't really deal with pregnancy, it goes straight over to the midwives.

I visited my midwife when I was 10 weeks pregnant (unfortunately my baby had alreay died at this point as its heart stopped beating at 7 weeks 2 days - I had suffered a missed miscarriage and I didn't find this out until my 12 week scan). Anyway, I had a phone call from the midwives a week later to tell me that my urine sample showed I had a water infection and I needed to go to the doctors for some antibioitics. I was reluctant to go as I didn't want to take anything throughout my pregnancy but went anyway. My doctor prescribed me some antibiotics. I had my 12 week scan the next day to be told the baby had stopped developing at 7+2. She asked me if I was on any medication and I told her about the antibiotics I was prescribed the day before. The look on her face told me all I needed to know. I shouldn't have been prescribed them. She instantly asked me "how long have you been taking those for". I know they didn't cause my mc as I had only been taking them a day before my scan but I knew I shouldn't have been prescribed them.

This has made me think that some doctors are absolutely useless. Some of my friends talk about their doctors and they are so supportive and informative. Mine are useless. They are more interested in you getting of theif office and fobbing you off rather than giving you any real details.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I think time only makes things easier. I feel lucky in that I never connected with my pregnancy, maybe subconsciously I knew something wasn't right. I hope you, and all of us, go on to have successful pregnancies and sympathetic doctors. I don't know how some of them can be so harsh. It really is as though they just see us as a number rather than an actual person xxx
Thanks guys for you kind messages... I have an appointment on Monday with a different doctors! Fingers crossed he is nicer.... Happy new year to everyone and let hope we all get what we want this year.... xx

It turns out I have endometriosis! I went for an Laparoscaopy and Hysteroscaop last week and I also had a twisted and blocked tube that was stuck to my ovary! So no, the doctors should not have said what he did but I am glad the new doctor took me serious! Let's hope now I get what I want....

x :D
gillybussy said:

It turns out I have endometriosis! I went for an Laparoscaopy and Hysteroscaop last week and I also had a twisted and blocked tube that was stuck to my ovary! So no, the doctors should not have said what he did but I am glad the new doctor took me serious! Let's hope now I get what I want....

x :D
im glad youve got your diagnosis, and will now hopefully get the help you need to get your baby x

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