Miscarriage confirmed


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2012
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Ladies that is me confirmed as having a miscarriage. Have just been for a scan and had it confirmed. No need for a d & c as it has all gone. They said that I can bleed for up to 10 days and that should be it. They recommended to take aspirin and keep taking folic acid. They would not be able to investigate unless I have a 3rd miscarriage, here hoping it does not get to that. She also said that we can start trying as soon as I stop bleeding if we wanted to as the chance of the egg being fertilized is higher!!!!

As if this was not enough I was so angry this morning. When I went to the out of hours clinic on Saturday morning (very early hours), they said that there was no one there to scan me and that I should phone epu first thing this morning and they WILL see me. So at 9am I phoned them explained what happened and they said because I had a scan booked for tomorrow they could not see me. My oh had today off to come with me, that even fell on deaf ears. They told me to phone the other hospital to see if they could see me. This happened when I had a bleed at 7 weeks and the other hospital said they could not see me. Well I phoned them anyway and I spoke to the same woman. She said exactly thesame they could not see me till tomorrow. Was not gonna let it lie, so phoned my midwife and she was raging, after about half hour she was getting no joy either so was resigned that I would have to go alone tomorrow. My friend was having none of this and phoned the head of midwifery at the second hospital complaining that this was not right. I then got a phonecall from the first hospital who all of a sudden had a cancellation 30 minutes after they are due to close. Sorry for the rant xxx
I'm so sorry to read this. Massive hugs. I am glad your friend was so pro active though & you got your scan today. I know its hard but try to Take care of yourself xx
Sorry you have been through this hun. I think many of us have had experiences similar in that mcs are not handled in the most sensitive of ways and scans seem to be precious commodity! It really doesn't help make an awful process any easier. You'll find the same everywhere that you may not get the support you want/deserve until 3 mc and I hope for you it doesn't come to that. You can have a higher chance of conception straight after mc but there are also people who say that there is also a higher risk of mc again as your body can get confused and levels of hormones going up and down. You have to go with what you think is best. I found myself in a better state of mind having left it a while but everyone is different. So sorry again that you are going through is, I remember mine all to clearly :hug:
Oh god im so sorry duck :( Its horrible. There definitely isnt enough support for Ladies who miscarry. They probably see it all the time and get desensitised to it, but that doesnt help the individual does it. I got treated ok myself but i cant believe theres no followup after operation. Thank goodness for your friend not letting them get away with it.

Take care of yourself. Big big hugs :hugs:
So sorry to hear ur news. Understandable to feel angry when no one seems to be listening.... Xx

So sorry to hear that. I know how you're feeling as it happened to me in June at 11+4. All in all it was pretty horrific. I will never know why, or even if it was a missed miscarriage as it just happened (two days before my scan!).

However, it DOES get easier. I found comfort in the fact that I did everything I could to keep the baby safe but it just wasn't meant to be. I try not to think about milestones as that baby would never have had the 20 week scan, it was not meant to be. I do find that helps me.

Also, try your hardest not to be upset if you don't conceive straight away, I didn't and I was so upset (for some reason I assumed I would get pregnant that first month) that I cried all day when AF arrived. There is light at the end of the tunnel and from what I can see (I am new here) the ladies here seem incredibly knowledgable and supportive.

Sending hugs xxx
So sorry to hear your sad news :hugs:
Make sure you look after yourself, get plenty of rest and eat well xx
Sorry to hear your sad news hon :hugs:
Oh no, I'm so sorry. Just PM'd you before reading this. I so hoped you'd get good news xxx
So sorry to hear of your loss and also the poor treatment you received. Take care of yourself through this difficult time xxx
Realy sorry for ur loss :-( and also sorry that u had to go through all the crap to get a scan I also had this with my first mc as it was may bank holiday they said I had to wait a week!!! No chance I said I can't love with not knowing what's going on so I rang another hospital who asked me if I would be going to that hospital with the pregnancy which I replied no as was to far so they said well no we won't scan you!! I was besides myself with worry and anxiety I had to wait that whole week and then they said they were not sure as I could only be 6 weeks so I needed another scan a week later had that n they still went sure as sac had grown n was summet inside but week later had it confirmed I had had a blighted ovum those 3 weeks were the worse 3 weeks of my entire life it was horrendous living in limbo but in my heart I knew it wasn't going to end well and I was right,take it easy and take care of ur self and give yourself time xxx
Thank you for your kind words ladies, I am sure we will get through this. Your help has been fantastic already and I am sure you will help in the weeks and months to come xxx
So sorry honey!!! Its truely a horrible experience nobody should have to go through! Ladies on here are great support! Take care! Xxxx
So sorry jimjams, it's just not fair. Hope you are taking it easy x
So sorry to hear your news! The waiting is the worst bit. Even though they work with people in the same situation every day, I'm not sure the EPU staff really know how stressful this process is. Sending you big hugs. xxx

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