Miscarriage at 7-8 weeks

Sorry to hear about your loss. I had a mmc at 11 weeks and the baby had stopped growing between 7-8 weeks. I had the medical management and didn’t really experience any pain, it was just like a really heavy period. Take care of yourself xx
My mva was good too. Didnt feel.any pain..didnt even have cramps afterwards and bleeding was light for 2 weeks. Everyone will respond differently though so best to decide what is right for you xx
I had a MCC at 11+5 I decided I wanted it gone asap so I could move on, I had the D&C I didn't like it, but my uterus is Retroverted so it took twice as long as it should have.
I think we all understand you wanting to move on already, You do what you have to x
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I've had 2 now. First time it resolved itself quickly. 2nd time it took about a month for the HCG to go down fully and I bled on and off for that time. I wanted to take some magical medication to flush it all out but they wouldn't give me it because of my HCG level. It's just a nightmare of emotions. Hope it is over with as quickly as possible so you can start to move forward. It's a lot easier once the symptoms pass.
I went to the hospital to get some misoprostol, I wanted it to start properly as soon as possible. Needed three doses to start to bleed properly, and some clots came out, but since then only light bleeding(like my period usually is on its 3rd or 4th day, its very light then). Hope its over soon :/ gonna check my Hcg levels in two weeks. I thought Id feel better, but I felt nothing when I was at the hospital, but now Im like super sad again now :( its like it comes and goes in waves. One minute Im fine the next Im all sad again (especially when Im alone at night).
Hon Sarah unfortunately these feelings have a tendency to keep returning. I hope u have someone to talk to at home as this really helps. Hopefully the bleeding will end soon. ( mine was 10 days after mva). It’s good they are checking ur hcg in two weeks. If u need anything we r all here take care xx
Today I feel like real achy in my entire body for some reason,Ive not worked out or been particularly active, but my shoulders, neck, and arms, legs are all sort of achy and sore. As if Ive worked out but I havent. No fever or anything, I just feel sore in my entire body. Is this normal?
Sarah im sorry for your loss. Its devasting. I had 2nd mmc this week so really feel for you. Ive decided to go for medical mgt too but need to speak to midwife today about it. I was told you can have flu like symptoms as a side effect so this is very normal. Hope youre okay xx
Sarah - I am sorry.
Melly41 - sorry to know that. Answered in another thread. xx
Im supposed to be 7-8 weeks pregnant today, but I started bleeding so I went to the doctor for a check up. They did a scan and I knew something was wrong as soon as I only saw the sac, youre supposed to see more at 8 weeks. She confirmed my thoughts, and the fetus likely had stopped growing in week 6 (looking at the size). And it looked like the lining was thinning. I feel absolutely gutted, like Ive dissapointed my partner. I wonder what I did wrong, if I did something wrong. Did I eat something I wasnt supposed to (like salami etc. ) before I knew I was pregnant? Is there something wrong with my eggs? I wonder what went wrong and I feel so sad, cause I know I will never get any answers to these questions. Its so weird, cause Ive had symptoms up and till this point (like nausea) since after week 6 too.

My doctor tried to assure me nothing was wrong, Im young and Ive had children before not very long ago. My ovaries and my uterus looked fine (she could even tell the egg had come from the left ovary, didnt know they could do that). Most women go on to have successfull pregnancies even after a loss, and in recent years miscarriages have become more common (they dont know why, possibly that people figure out earlier that they are pregnant, or other factors) and up to 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. But I still feel so sad. I was starting to feel like miscarriage risk was getting rather low, since Im hitting week 8 (it gets progressively lower throughout pregnancy) but I guess I was only 6 weeks along really :(
Idk where to go from here, will the bleeding be painful? How long til I feel "normal" ? Cause now I just feel gutted...

Hi there really sorry for what you're going through but try and remember that your body is very smart and when a baby isn't going to be healthy a lot of the time the body does something about it. It's not your fault or anything you did and don't even try to think about what you may have done even though I know it's hard .

I miscarried at 10 weeks and had intesne pregnancy symptoms until the day before i actually had the miscarriage. I had mild cramps and a few gushes of blood in between spotting and bleeding like a period. After an hour I didn't feel any pain at all.

The feeling normal thing will take some time. It's been 3 weeks since my MC and it's literally all i think about. It's also frustrating as I have no control over my body or any real clue when my hormones will go away and I'll have my period.
It's different for everyone
One thing I will say is allow yourself to grieve and cry and don't be so hard on yourself
Pregnancy and unfortunately miscarriage is part of being a woman
The things women bear... Don't ever think you've let anyone down

Good luck with everything x

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