miscarriage and thyroid problems?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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Can anyone who knows about hyperthyroidism tell me what effect it has during pregnancy and, if it sadly caused a miscarriage, at how many weeks?

Following a post by star33 in my TTC journal, I am now wondering about the mysterious 3kg I lost in just 10 weeks of pregnancy (with more since) as well as a v high heart rate (111) and temperature regulation problems.

I'm going to try and book a dr's appointment in a few days to see if this might be a cause, but any actual knowledge would be appreciated.

I know far more about hypo than hyper so I hope someone can tell you something more concrete. I know that with hyper it's thought that the increased thyroid antibodies can bring about a miscarriage. My understanding from uni days is that they aren't entirely clear on the process and at what stage the miscarriage can occur is dependent on the levels of antibodies (i.e. the extremity of the condition) in the system.

Make sure you get T3, T4 and TSH levels checked hun. Doctors tend to just test TSH and not get the full picture.

If you do test up with a thyroid issue then please insist on a referral to an endocrinologist as they will be able to manage the condition far more effectively (and will also take into account reproductive hormones) than you GP can.
thanks willow hun xx

do you know what "window" I have for testing after the pregnancy, e.g. will those T3, T4, TSH levels still be obviously dodgy a couple of weeks later?

(my dr's appt is over 2 weeks after I miscarried & she'll just refer me somewhere else so I'm just nervous that something currently detectable might be missed with any tests) x
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Hi Tinsel

so sorry for your loss...i have major thyroid issues! ---ha ha well ive had my thyroid removed so is to be expected ! being very hypo can defo affect a pregnancy however you would have other hypo symptoms.....ive been hypo for the last 3 months---being checked every three weeks to try and stabilise! symptoms include feeling incredibly tired and lethargic and quite depressed!
weight gain is associated with hypo not weight loss...you would get weight loss if you were hyper ..symptoms of being hyper are tiredness again and being quite manic and stressed ...
these are what ive experienced anyway!
i have only been told that hypo could lead to miscarriage not hyper but that could be because im usually hypo not hyper......luckily i have been ok so far in fact im off for a blood test for my endocrinologist in 30 mins!!
hope this helps
defo ask for a full thyroid profile! as far as i know (and its different as im on thyroxine so my body doesnt produce any t3 or t4) its long acting so you would have a big window to test but im not sure about non synthetic thyroxine
2-3 weeks after will be fine, but they should also follow up say 6-8 weeks after and repeat the test to make sure that nothing was being changed by your changing reproductive hormones. You could also ask for antithyroglobulin antibody levels (TgAb) to be checked, and when you are ready and you decide to try again, you should make sure they recheck your TgAb in your first trimester and keep an eye on you.

I believe that they can very successfully manage hyperthyroidism, even during pregnancy, so if this is/was the problem then after a stabilisation period (which is usually reasonably short) you shouldn't have to worry about this again :hugs:

Hyperthyroidism isn't a dietary issue, and I know how well you eat. However upping things which interfere with or block iodine uptake such as kale, turnips, soya, millet etc, may help. But definitely see your GP and get all the blood work done before you make any changes.
Hi hun,

Not sure how much use this will be but as part of my recurrent miscarriage tests they did check my thyroid (they didn't specify for what though!!)

I hope you get some answers soon

Hello Tinsel, sorry for ur loss. Just wanted to repeat wot willowisp sai, she very knowledgeable!! My 5 year old son has hypothyroidism and is on thyroxine daily. He was born without thyroid gland and we go Great Ormond St hospital where he is monitored closely as they worry bout brain and general development in children who are hypo. He absolutley fine though and would just mention that there are no thyroid issues in our family, so was just blip in nature, ( it was picked up in heel prick test), so treated from really early on. I do remember the doctor told us that the thyroid affects all of the organs etc in the body, so very important gland. Hope u find some answers and make sure they do regular bloods, Alex is tested for T4 and TSH every 6 months, good luck to u , but even if u do have thyroid issue, there is sooo much they can do and seems quite common in adults!! Good luck lovely xxxx
Just wanted to wish you luck with your tests, and it would be great if they could find a actual casue , as you will be more confident with knowing you have a plan of action next time XX

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