Miracle babies and extraordinary birth stories wanted


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Jan 28, 2008
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Hi everyone,

(I asked Urchin who said it would be okay for me to post here…)

I'm a freelance feature writer who writes for numerous magazines and newspapers. I’d love to hear from any mothers aged between 18 and 65 who have an extraordinary real life pregnancy or birth story that they’d like to share with a magazine or newspaper for the first time. It can be sad, funny, shocking, unusual, inspiring or wonderfully heartwarming. Maybe you’ve conceived/had a baby against astonishing odds? Perhaps you’ve had a miracle baby or a multiple birth? Maybe you’ve had a child through surrogacy or adoption? Or you’ve nursed a very sick child? Whatever you've been through I'd love to hear from you. You'll need to agree to have your full name published and your photograph taken. If your tale is suitable for publication you’ll be paid amply for your trouble and time – and it could be a great chance for you to give publicity to a worthy cause or for you to raise awareness of a particular issue or condition. Please email me at [email protected] with some information about your story along with a photograph or two or yourself (and your baby/babies if appropriate).

Many thanks!
oooo theres plenty of mums on here with extrordinary stories. I am however very run of the mill so nothing to report from the Lou & Isaac camp I'm afraid :D
I'm beginning to think any conception is against the odds :wink:
Take it from an ex long timer in ttc Libs, it will happen for you. And guess what? It wasn't when was relaxing, or forgetting about it. It was when I most expected it and had done everything possible to force it to happen. :lol:

Still keeping my eye on you hon I haven't forgotten you :hug:
:rotfl: I wasn't being depressing - more tongue in cheek

but - at least someone noticed my signature then :rotfl:

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