Surrogate.. would you?

I think I would do it for a close friend or family member who were desperate to have children. But probably only after I'd had my own kids and wasn't at a critical point in my career or something. Don't think I could do it for a stranger though.
This is going to sound so hyprocritical - and I make no apologies for it - I couldn't do it with my eggs..because they're a bit of me :oops:

Howevre its something I've always considered for one of my sisters who may struggle to carry a pregnancy due to her disability - there's nothing stopping her getting pregnant, but she ahs so many hip/back problems that it would probably damage her permanently and put her on bed rest for the whole pregnancy - even if it didn't - she would have to go straight back into a wheelchair because of her regular falls.

What am I on about - I can't even get knocked up myself :wink:

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