Revenge stories


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Anyone got any really good revenge stories? could be for anything and it doesnt have to be you getting the revenge it could be someone getting revenge on your or something a family memebr or friend has done to get reveng. Everyone loves a good cumuppance, so come on ladies spill! :D
not really revenge....... but my ex was cheating on me for 6 months with his ex girlfriend. i loved him so so much and was so hurt, so after all the begging and sob stories from him, i finally took him back.

i was back with him for about a week, and i moved back in with him, but couldnt forget it, so i made out we were really happy and we were gonna last..
i was faking how much we were in love and he seemed the happiest guy in the world..

then one night he asked me to get engaged, so i thought this was my chance, so i said yes, took the ring and then the next day i said to him,
"oh yeah, u know when i said yeah? well ive changed my mind now, f**k off!"

so thats it really..
but now i miss him like mad! lol

Love eh? :think: :think: :roll: :roll:
I was about 6 yrs old and my brother was about 9 yrs old..he used to be really mean to me.. so during the night I emptied his juice out of his cup at the side of his bed and wee'd in his cup! :twisted:

Nothing was ever mentioned about it... and we're so close now!

See what a bit of wee can do between siblings!
I stopped making the payments on my ex's car and the finance company repossessed it :lol:
My ex really p****d me off one night so I took his toothbrush and cleaned inside the rim of the toilet with it. In the morning when he cleaned his teeth he was wondering why I was grinning from ear to ear. Still makes me smile now although I should have put some arsenic on it too just for good measure!! :rotfl:
My mum pulled a blinder, she found out my stepdad had been cheating on her so while he was away "on business" we moved out, and she covered his luxurious deep pile carpet he was so proud of in water cress seeds and watered it :lol:

Ive never done anything like that, as personally I think the best revenge is to get on with your life and move on and never look back :D
go ur mum GGG that is brilliant

im still awaiting my dad to get revenge on my ex wen that day comes it will be good *evil cackle* :rotfl:

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