Minion in grand national lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Hubby and I had check with midwife today and sheasked if we wanted a wee listen and OMG it was amazing but did sound like minion was running the grand national. Of course this made me take a fit of the giggles but hubby managed to get a recording of it. Just cant get over it so so happy today

3 weeks tomorrow and itl be pink or blue minion announcement xx
He he! I heard my bubs a couple of days ago too and described it as someone on a pair of coconut shells doing a galloping horse impression!!!! Such an amazing sound xxxxx
He he! I heard my bubs a couple of days ago too and described it as someone on a pair of coconut shells doing a galloping horse impression!!!! Such an amazing sound xxxxx

That is exactly it Sarah

At one point the noise stopped as if the horse was jumping over a fence then it started again. Im really not the best person to get scanned as im so tickly haha xx
Me too!!! Was trying not to laugh but when I did bubs was not impressed and hid!!!

My midwife said she hadn't delivered any horses yet and it was definately a baby in there!

Ha ha. This thread made me giggle! And get the William Tell Overture stuck in my head!

Glad to hear you heard Minion today. It's the best sound ever :)

:friends: Xxxx
Me too!!! Was trying not to laugh but when I did bubs was not impressed and hid!!!

My midwife said she hadn't delivered any horses yet and it was definately a baby in there!


Haha you sound like you have a midwife like us.......NUTS!!!!!!lol when i said it sounded like the grand national she sadi you do know if it sounds like horses its a boy and if it sounds like a car its a girl and I think I may have had a blonde moment cos I said "Really" lol xx

Ha ha. This thread made me giggle! And get the William Tell Overture stuck in my head!

Glad to hear you heard Minion today. It's the best sound ever :)

:friends: Xxxx

And now it is going on in my head lol its quite a catchy tune actually. I couldnt believe the sound it was just out of this world. I was relived to hear it too as had been slightly worried as last night I had had no poking sensation (from Minion I may add and not the hubby lol) xx

i love that sound x

I cany wait to hear it again now xx
Thanks for putting that song in my head!!!

Our baby sounded like a little train, soo cute!! I could have sat and listened all day!! x
I had my mw appt this morning and heard baby's hb too, my mw said 'oh my isn't that loud?' Lol.
Best sound ever!!!
She was wriggling around too so the mw had to keep moving the doppler around lol x

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Thanks for putting that song in my head!!!

Our baby sounded like a little train, soo cute!! I could have sat and listened all day!! x

I had got the song out my head until I read that haha - yeh me too its wonderful such a wee piece of kit can detect it xx

I had my mw appt this morning and heard baby's hb too, my mw said 'oh my isn't that loud?' Lol.
Best sound ever!!!
She was wriggling around too so the mw had to keep moving the doppler around lol x

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Lol it was me that was wriggling around not minion heehee Cannot wait for 3 weeks tomorrow to see hear and find out what flavour minion is xx

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