Minimalist queen


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Would be me I think :lol:

OK, so I am hoping for a homebirth but I have a hospital bag packed in case. If I birth at home all the things I need are in there so easy for hubby to lay his hands on also if needed. Anyways, am I really missing something *important* from it here? I don't want to go overboard and have left of certain things intentionally (such as bottles, milk (breastfeeding hoped for and will express and use cup if does not take to breast well to start, dummies etc)

My stuff

Breast pads
Nipple cream
Towels x 2
Washbag - deo, shampoo, shower gel, chapstick, inhalers, paracetamol, rescue remedy

Change of clothes (trackies and tee)

Dressing gown
bed socks
Knickers (about 5 pairs)
Nursing bra
Old tee shirt

Drinks/snacks - straws also
Mobile phone

Baby's stuff

4 sleepsuits (1 x one month, 3 x 0-3 as am not expecting newborn sized baby :lol: )
4 vests (as above)
1 cardi
1 jacket
Hat x 2
Muslin squares - lots
Wet wipes

I can't think I've missed of anything essential but maybe you ladies might spot something.

Also hubby can run out down the road to Tesco (24 hour) if I do need anything else urgently.
gymbabeliz said:
thats way more than what i packed :lol:

Hehe :lol: Did you get a chance to pack a bag?

I may yet take some of it out. I bought minatures of all the toiletries, think 2 towels is excessive but as I may need them here thought I'd leave them in.

My change of clothes may well end up being whatever I wear in also :lol:
I also have:

A bag for dirty washing
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Smints (in case I throw up and can't be bothered brushing)
Mouthwash (see above)
moisturiser and hand cream (my skin gets dry)
water spray (to spray on hot sweaty face)
Hair bobbles, band and clips
Massage oil
Homoeopathy kit
Swim woggle (the long tube-shaped foam things for swimming, to use for support in the birthing pool)
TENS (though that will be strapped to me, if it's in the bag I know where it is now :) )
Teddy for baby
Cotton wool balls (on list from hospital)
A wet nappy bag (because we will be using reusables)

I have 2 bags - one for labour (which is hopefully all I'll need) and one with things I will need if I have to stay on the ward. That way if I have to stay (it is in my notes that I want to go asap but you never know how these things will work) OH can take away the things I won't need any more and during labour we won't be having to search through things I don't need then to find what I want. I asked the midwife because the list from the hospital was weird - it said to take a small bag as there's not much room on the ward then it listed masses of stuff including a dressing gown and towels, which are rather bulky! The labour and midwife unit rooms are large though so she said it was fine for me to have 2 bags and have one taken away by OH if I go on the ward.

:oops: OK, that's a lie. I have one giant pile that I intend to put into 2 bags :oops:
kalia said:
I also have:

A bag for dirty washing
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Smints (in case I throw up and can't be bothered brushing)
Mouthwash (see above)
moisturiser and hand cream (my skin gets dry)
water spray (to spray on hot sweaty face)
Hair bobbles, band and clips
Massage oil
Homoeopathy kit
Swim woggle (the long tube-shaped foam things for swimming, to use for support in the birthing pool)
TENS (though that will be strapped to me, if it's in the bag I know where it is now :) )
Teddy for baby
Cotton wool balls (on list from hospital)
A wet nappy bag (because we will be using reusables)

Hmmm, I already packed but forgot to list

Toothpaste and brush
Water spray bottle
Cotton wool
carrier bag for dirty laundry

My hospital provide TENS and birthing balls anyways so, but we can take our own if we wish :) Plus they have hairdryers! Sorted there :lol:

We've got biodegradable nappies for the first few weeks but will buy washables once we see what size LO is etc and how we go in the first couple of weeks. Shall get some trial packs and see what suits LO best then. I didn't want the extra hassle of washables straight from the word go was the thing. Or to spend a fortune and find the ones we got were not good on baby.

Had haircut already so it stays out of my face well enough now :)

Not going the massage oil route as I am not a fan of it. Hubby is great at back rubs etc so that'll do for me.

Don't think I could focus on music but might chuck some radio podcasts on the iPod. I'd probably tune the radio in on the hospital CD player and listen to Radio 2 :lol: It keeps me company during my sleepless nights and I enjoy it :)
At an antenatal class they recommended oil because you may want him to be rubbing for a long time and using oil will cause less friction on your skin. In particular putting lots of pressure at the sacral joints or whatever they are called - pelvis. I've heard lots of woman say they ended up with a bruise from getting OH to rub there so long and hard as it really helps :D You don't have to use massage oil- olive oil or anything would do, so if he's good at back rubs you may want to put some oil in your bag just in case your skin starts to get sore. That said, I don't know if you notice sore skin during labour pains!
I just realised the title to your thread :D

I shouldn't really have posted as I am the antithesis of a minimalist queen :rotfl:

I like to have everything I could need with me - you should see my bedside table!
maternity pads ?

wish id got a chance to pack , ment i prob done without a lot of rubbish tho !

a lil cardy for baby ? blankets ? ( i hate hossy ones there rough n horrid !)
Hi Sherlock,

I was going to say cotton wool, but you've added that, and also a towel for baby so that you can give him/her a bath.

I haven't even thought of these things yet - yikes!!! I guess it's a bit early for me yet though!!!
Oh, I remember wanting to take a pen and note pad too when I had the girls so I could write everything down for the little books I keep for them. It all becomes a blur very quickly in the weeks afterwards.
G3M said:
maternity pads ?

wish id got a chance to pack , ment i prob done without a lot of rubbish tho !

a lil cardy for baby ? blankets ? ( i hate hossy ones there rough n horrid !)

Pads, cardi and blanket are on the list :)

Not got a towel for baby but as I packed 2 for me I am figuring/hoping I can use one of those if need be.
hehe you have packed more then me hun :)
cant see anything that isnt in my bag except im taking some nappy sacks lol
manda xx
manda224 said:
hehe you have packed more then me hun :)
cant see anything that isnt in my bag except im taking some nappy sacks lol
manda xx

Hehe I figure if I end up in hospital its as an emergency admit so wanted to have the essentials covered.

I'd like to think I can wear my nursing bra, outfit and so on in, but realise I may be dressed in whatever (or nothing much at all) so have to pack that stuff rather than walk in with it on already :roll:
I think our lists are identical! I've packed mine now but haven't got a waterspray yet and i've only got one towel - but i do have a baby hooded thing in there too so that's ok!

I've also just washed a HUGE xxlarge mens t-shirt that i think i'll wear in labour so that will go in soon. But all sounds good to me! whoop! :cheer:

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