Mini row with OH left me feeling guilty :/


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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So OH has just left for his weekly man date with his friend which is fine but we were talking before and he asked me what I was going to do for the evening...

I basically said I was starting operation eviction for baby and have a spicy curry and a bath with clary sage amd do some nip stimulation ect ect and he kind of like freaked out on me a bit.. didn't shout or anything but basically said that he thought I was putting bubba in danger by trying to get him out before he was ready - anybody would have thought I had said I was gonna shove a knitting needle up there by what he was saying.

Its made me for really bad. I didn'(still don't actually) think I was being unreasonable by wanting him out, I'm so uncomfortable and I just want to meet my baby now!

Now I'm in two minds, I feel like if I start all these things and by some miracle they actually work, if something happened to baby my OH would blame me!

Argh :/ !!
For those that can't see tickers I am 36 weeks 5 days today x
Aww don't worry Hun, men don't have all the uncomfortable-ness to deal with! Ur not being unreasonable and the chances of this stuff actually working is slim never mind starting things off within the first few days of doing them!
I've started doing all these from 37wks too.


Tapatalking. X
I'm in the same boat I'm a week behind you but am so uncomfortable. Hubby freaked out the other night that I had served bubs am eviction notice I'm not saying I want baby now but I do not want to go overdue!!! You are only 2 days off being fully cooked so I would say crack on but if its going to cause issues perhaps wait 2 days then no argument.

My other thoughts are it doesn't matter what we do baby will only come when it's good and ready and if there was something wrong (which I am sure there won't be) it would definetly not be your fault xx
Screw it I'm doing it anyway..

My body my baby haha!
haha thats the spirit! :p

Its not like your 28weeks and moaning isit!

Ignore him ;) x
Haha! Totally agree! :) x

Tapatalking. X
Strap a large weight to his belly and moobs, kick him all night and make him need a wee everyone he stands up, give him heartburn, swollen feet, and punch him in the balls as that's probably similar to pelvic pain and then see what he says. Haha. :p
It's perfectly fine to start the exit rituals hun, it's not that likely any work anyway, bubs will come when they're ready. Fx it's soon for you lovely xxxx
These things only help if your body is already favourable anyway so you will be fine and 37 weeks is full term classed as so its ok x

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