Millies New Journal

I've been given Ondansetron, they didn't want to give me anything else so soon since I only got the cyclizine yesterday but I ended up being sick right there and then and think he got how bad it was! They are dissolvable ones. I hate taking tablets, I would try for longer but it's important I keep the steroids down!
I asked about steroid injections but usually they are only used for local things like joints etc.
So hopefully will feel a bit better soon! But then it's only going to get worse as the pregnancy sickness gets worse isn't it lol! I really do hope it all works out because steroids make me so ill!!
Also picked up my heartburn tablet prescription, I had one ages back and only found it this morn, been looking for it for months lol! I always get it preg or not so they should help :)
Got a form as well for testing for diabeties/vitamin levels as I'm constantly needing the loo like for the past few months and tired and thirsty etc
OMG HUN Congrats!!! You are one super fertile lady :) have everything crossed for you again, this must be your rainbow now!!! Xxxx
Thank you :) feel so lucky to keep catching so quickly. Really hoping this is my rainbow! It's hard to believe it could be at times then other times I'm convinced it is seeing as I have a reason now and being treated for it. I was so convinced my baby boy was going to be my rainbow so it's hard being so so early now to think this could be!

Boobs are so sore!! Feel a right wimp it seems such a trivial thing in all of this,but they are stopping me sleeping. Then as soon as I manage to sleep I wake up throwing up. Lol last year when my cycles where so screwy and i just wasn't getting pregnant I'd of been raging at the thought of a preg woman complaining about something so small as sore boobs lol so feel I shouldn't complain but they are so sore!!
After my 12 week and my 14 week loss they went hard and leaky and they still were no where near like this. I've tried bathing them in ice and everything lol!! Xx
Ouchy. I heard frozen lettuce leafs down the bra are good?

I was advised to do this after giving birth like when I went home and milk came in.

I suppose it numb everything. Prubrofen will help inflammatory too.

I can't have ibuprofen cause of my asthma :(. Haha I laughed at frozen lettuce leaves but it makes sense!! Would it be really wimpy to have paracetemol for it? I prefer avoiding anything I can in preg painkillers wise :/.
I need to buy a lettuce lol!!! Xx
Thank you :) feel so lucky to keep catching so quickly. Really hoping this is my rainbow! It's hard to believe it could be at times then other times I'm convinced it is seeing as I have a reason now and being treated for it. I was so convinced my baby boy was going to be my rainbow so it's hard being so so early now to think this could be!

Boobs are so sore!! Feel a right wimp it seems such a trivial thing in all of this,but they are stopping me sleeping. Then as soon as I manage to sleep I wake up throwing up. Lol last year when my cycles where so screwy and i just wasn't getting pregnant I'd of been raging at the thought of a preg woman complaining about something so small as sore boobs lol so feel I shouldn't complain but they are so sore!!
After my 12 week and my 14 week loss they went hard and leaky and they still were no where near like this. I've tried bathing them in ice and everything lol!! Xx

So happy you have a reason hun. It's strange you say you feel this could be it.. I've had multiple miscarriages and I've never felt as calm as i do with this pregnancy, it's as if our bodies just know.
I really hope we both get our rainbows next year :) xxx
Are you into homeopathy? I wonder if you could get something natural for the boobs. Also you know those pads that you can put in the fridge or heat up? They might be good for in your bra x
Sorry about your miscarriages Lou :(
I do feel calmer than normal, I'm still terrified if I think about it but I'm not literally sat worrying like in previous pregs. And also feel hopeful because of the steroids etc :D.
I hope we both get our rainbows too :).

I have some freezer packs lol will they end up burning though? The ice worked until it started burning! Maybe handwarmers could work? Lol at buying handwarmers to stick down my bra haha!
I am quite into like supplements etc and herbal teas things like that! Maybe something anti inflammatory would be good? Cf
Looking up homeopathy now lol!
Need to remember to get OH to get the lettuce later too! Xx
Ooh homeopathy is like my rescue remedy bach's flower stuff isn't it? That helps my anxiety! What kinda thing would help?
Why do they grow and hurt, is it just hormones causing pain or is it to do with hcg doing something to the milk ducts or what? Xx
Millie, I don't know how I missed this, I haven't been on much lately. Huge congrats lovely xx
The handwarmers were what i was thinking lol like chicken fillets.

I'm not sure what specifically but they have different things for different ailments. Might be best to speak to a
Homeopath seeing as your pregnant.. If I weren't pregnant, I'd be confident to just self medicate. Yeah just like rescue remedy, derived from plants :)
Thanks lisey! Hope you're okay? :)

The handwarmers are a good idea! Will try get some and a lettuce too and see which is best! OH is going to go to the supermarket like 20 mins away and I don't wanna be sat on my own I wanna go lol but anything to do with savory sauces is making me so sick!!

Thanks Lou :) yeah that's true lol as I'm not sure what you can and can't take when preg etc! Xx
I'm good thanks Millie, hope the sickness doesn't get too bad for you xx
It's quite bad especially at night but so worth it if all goes okay!

Lines are getting good :D
And here's my bloat!

I'm not gonna make a preg journal for a little while yet for obvious reasons of not eanting to have to keep starting journals that end so hope no one minds me posting it this journal! Xxx
Great line and bloat Mille :)

I'm 5 weeks today so going to start my pics- although I'm not as slim as you so prob already look further along than I am lol! X
I've got my forms for bloods to take to the hosp :). Think i'll get them at the hosp next week! Assuming it'll be normal opening times there?? If I went on the tuesday and the thurs? Xxx
Tues will be ok i think but Thursday is new years eve so depends on the type of ward it is? Xxx
Maybe I should do Mon/Wed? Is Mon a bank hol lol will that affect times? Xx

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