Millies New Journal

I also want to say I think of you all the time too x x x (in a non freaky stalker sounding way :rofl:) I hope your take home baby is very near by
Hi girls thanks for your comments. I speak to Emily on facebook and she let me know you'd commented.
Hope everyones okay :) blueflower..your ticker :) amazing! Congratulations. Will have a read through peoples journals later as have missed a lot.

Can't remember when I last updated now but I've moved twice this year and been really busy. I had iui with menopur, metformin, prednisolone (can never spell that lol) and progesterone in April and May. First month I had a chemical and second month I got (fingers crossed) my rainbow. I'm 27 weeks now with a girl and she's due 26th January :). I had a really rough first 4 months or so and was in hospital twice with hyperemesis.
Then second tri was stressful as I have had so much going on with my pets, our rabbit had to be put to sleep in July and then our cat got poorly and had to have an op and was in/out the vets, then my girl cat went missing (but she strolled in again after a few nights thank goodness!) And really sadly we had to get the kitty who had the op put to sleep on Wednesday this week as the vet said nothing more can be done for him and it was the hardest thing I've ever done and we are devastated. He was only 2 years and 2 months old and we were so looking forward to him meeting Imogen :(.
I'll attach some pics later if I can remember my tapatalk log in as I don't know how to do it on mobile site and not sure I remember my password as it was alteady saved on my phone browser lol xxx
Aw millie that is amazing news, I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well :)
Lisey just seen your ticker too congratulations

Loubalouba im so sorry about Harrison :(
It's so weird how so many of us are having similar stories. both with our rainbows the hyperemesis and the pets. It's spooky!
Lisey just seen your ticker too congratulations

Loubalouba im so sorry about Harrison :(

Thank you xx massive congrats my lovely fantastic news!!!' So happy for you! Jan is not far away at all! We need bump pics from u :) xx
Hg is awful but she's worth it lol I only got to try my wedding dress on an hour before the wedding as I was too ill for my mum to do the fittings xx

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Awww this has made my day x x x x
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Some scan pics in random orders lol

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7 weeks and the other was a few days ago, I'm 27+1 now xx

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