Millies New Journal

Awww we should both test christmas eve!
Do you have any symptoms? Lol 3dpo and woke up with huge mega sore boobs today xxx
Ummm I was a bit heevey this morning, I was almost sick but just brought up some fluid. I seemed to have been a bit bunged up.

Im also roasting, but I think this is normal for me after OV because the past two cycles Ive noticed in the 2WW how warm I was and it came to nothing. I think it is actually supposed to dip if your pregnant I think, so I may feel a bit colder later on the week... Who knows.

I probably will test Christmas eve, I hate this wait already!

Awww I hope the heevingness is a good sign!!
Yeah I think temp dips then rises after ov then does the same for implantation too!
I feel a bit sicky, always do after ov. May be the food in Venice too and eating rubbish!

Haha I want to test asap but then I'm also scared to ruin christmas xxx
I don't think I would be gutted, on Christmas we have a lot going on so my mind is elsewhere. Of course a BFP would be magical, but I wouldn't beat myself up about it. Christmas is the one day you put everything and all your differences aside and just enjoy a good meal and family time. You can be depressed on boxing day though, thats allowed :p

My boobies hurt a tiny winy wee bit going down the stairs, but again noted this last time and nothing came of it. Although my previous pregnancy which I didn't know about until I MC - my boobs were killllling me, I cant remember when from though I think noticably agony from like a few days after AF would've been due..

Did you do anything different this cycle? I guess being in Venice youd have been chilled to the Max. Who cares about eating rubbish. I've ate carmel cake, ready salted crisps and Ive got my works Christmas Lunch buffet at 12.30 :lol:

Im stocking up for the winter hybernation!

Lol we started ttc on christmas day 2013 so I think I'd feel down! Picked the worst day as a ttc anniversary lol!
I was chilled out before ov but the last couple days I haven't been at all haha. OH got us lost yesterday and my feet hurt soo much I had a full on scream for about 2 hours and made such a scene lol!!! Xx
Oh and I took soy this cycle! Had a super strong ov so think it worked :). Last cycle was 17 days long so was worried they were gonna muck up again! Xx
4dpo and back home now. Last night had some scraping feelings then tons of creamy cm. Boobs are defo bigger. I'm symptom spotting so much lol!! Xx
I have wateryish CM, but I was on antibiotics for 2 weeks so think I got thrush and its just a bit iffy from that.. I hope.

Im not symptom spotting but I do think Im getting a cold again. Ive been piping hot for the past couple days, OH wouldnt even cuddle me last night and today Im the same. Wee bit choked up but tbh I put a large part of it down to no fresh air in our offices - using the recycled air from the aircon, its obviously just circulating everyones bugs :lol:

Hope your enjoying your own bed, and good homely food, its the highlight of returning home!

Oooh I hope the watery cm is a good sign! As long as it isn-t ewcm and having ov late lol!
Awww your immune system would be down in very early preg so I hope thats why you have a cold lol! Ew hate recycled air ha! Was the same in the plane!
Yeah is nice to be home with the cats! Back at work this eve lol!
Boobs are huuge tonight and got metallic taste in mouth.
Are you testing with cheapies this cycle? I dunno whether to order some xx
I dont have any ic strips but I have 3 10 muis and 1 frer.... I wont get into the habit of frantically testing.

I hope so but I doubt it. Its the nhs shitty air.

How many cats you gots? I have 3. We went to manchester recently and stayed in an apartment and the first thing I started to moss aside from J was there were no cats about me. Wherever I go in here, a clowder of cats follow.

Lol I'm so on the fence about ordering cheapies. I want to know early if I get a bfp so I can go to docs etc and get stuff sorted to help it be sticky but then I don't want a load of anxiety over christmas when I wont be able to see docs anyway. I might just do a frer christmas eve as ics stress me out a bit lol!
I have 3 cats tooo :D love them lol! Xx
I somehow have a bfp! I either got ov date wrong even though i'm convinced I ovd in Venice,or I implanted crazy early!
I do usually get bfps from around 7dpo though and 5/6 today unless i ovd when i originally thought and then 10dpo. Had a reallyy strong ov with the soy this month. Did 7 tests before venice and all neg so can't be leftover from mc still.
Was sick today then had some brown cm which made me test. My boobs are literally on fire too!!! Need to make an appt to sort steroids out!!
Cannot believe this, super thrilled.

As soon as you mentioned metalic taste earlier I thought hmmmm..

Super good luck!!

Thank you! Hope you get your bfp this cycle tooo!!
Crazy how many symptoms I have. I thought I was making them up in my head!! Xx
Thank you. I hope so too.

Thats an amazing FRER line, esp this early!! Even if you ovd earlier its usually quite light 10dpo.

I think its twinnies!!

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It could be as I've conceived twins naturally before and I took soy this month! Xx
Double trouble!!

Oooo could be the first december twins yet on the thread!!

Get to the gp for bloods asap!! Ask the practice nurse.

Ill be waiting here :lol:

Thank you!
Yeah booking bloods and asking for steroids asap.
My boobs have gone super huge..and so sore! Xx
Woooow congratulations hun!!!!! So unbelievably happy for you sweetie, You so deserve your Rainbow baby :)


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