I so hope so!i have a doctors appt booked the day after we get back to discuss metformin. Hopefully I can have my op in early Jan and then we can see what happens about the nk cells.
I want a bfp before new years day soo bad. I know it's not a wise idea till my op/discussed nk cells some more but it's so hard not too
Not really happy about hitting the 2 year mark. I feel it's transitioning us from those struggling a little to get a baby to the we are really struggling bit! This last year I've felt a bit like I hadn't been ttc long enough to feel as sorry for myself as I have done at points. But now at least I feel like I'm entitled to be upset. Silly I know as even the first month ttc is upsetting, the first m/c is just as upsetting as the fourth but now I feel I have a right to be sad. Which makes me feel better.
I remember watching a youtube video 8 months into trying. She'd been trying 2 years with cycle probs and losses. I remember her saying in response to people asking how they were that she was "okay. It hurts but we get on with our lives and just be" and how crazy it felt to even say amongst all the heartbreak that they were okay. I remember thinking oh my god if I ever get to two years ttc or have another loss I will never be okay ever again.
But I get what she means now. I feel I've got used to it and that we are "okay". The desperate want for a baby is still there but apart from in the few days following a loss, I've moved past the crying all day thinking how unfair it is whilst stuffing your face with any food you can find then feeling bad you've ruined the chances of a baby days lol!
Also somewhere along the road I've lost the overwhelming urge to be pregnant but not thinking about a baby as much, to just wanting a family. Maybe it's after the nk results but I've stopped thinking so much about the having a huge bump and rubbing it and feeling kicks daydream to thinking about us with a child, going on family day trips to the wildlife parks, parks etc. Maybe because I know that's the bit that can come true even if the full term pregnancy bit can't.