Millies New Journal

It's hard to say isn't it I've never had anxiety as such so I'm not sure what sort of effect that may have. I think the problems are e erything is such a broad spectrum it's hard to pinpoint what could cause these things. I get a lot of the above symptoms and obv have some heart issues atm though at first they were thinking blood clot but not sure what I also have elevated white blood cell count and borderline liver issues. I've had migraines since I was 16. I also am very tired a lot and interestingly when I was on blood thinners I slept less but felt more refreshed. I had the best nights sleep whilst in hospital on clexane despite the crazy old ladies and the weird surroundings! Fortunately sticky blood is the number 1 treatable cause of mc. So if it is that it should be an easy enough fix I'm even willing to put up with injections twice a day for 9 months despite my needle phobia lol! The good thing is your getting tests. And hopefully tests will give answers and answers will lead to sleepless nights due to teething babies!
Great to see your new journal hun.
Pleased you are getting medical support. Fx this op sorts things for you.
I have all the symptoms I had when my hormones messed up after m/c last year and I had the two weekly cycles. Please please please don't mess up again cycles!!
Had twinges today but I dunno I've had neg opks and don't feel I'm oving. I do sometimes have the odd very long cycle so we will see. Gonna do my last opk today then not buy more. Will do a frer the day before we go to Venice and then Christmas eve. AF should be here by Christmas if my hormones aren't messing up in which case it will be any day.
Considering acupuncture but I dunno, it's a lot of money. Anyone got any opinions/experiences??
I had acupuncture during IVF and would recommend it to anyone. Not sure how it would affect your cycles though as I was drugged up! Make sure you get a fertility one, if you do it, ideally a Zita West affiliate. What about reflexology? It's meant to be really good and cheaper (again, get a fertility specialist) xxx
How do I look up Zita West affiliated ones?
Ooh that could def be an alternative if it's cheaper !! :) xx
Aw there is none of those within 20 miles of me :(. Boo! Xx
Af here today :(. This happened last year and the fortnightly cycles stayed for a good 6 months :( xxx
Feeling so gutted about it. I really thought my cycles were always going to be normal now and just feel sick at the thought of them being like how they were before the clomid :( Each month i was getting to ov, dtd every single day and knackering myself out, doing opks etc and then af would come :(. Xxx
That sucks. Is it worth telling your gp so you don't have to wait as long. I hope your not out of sync for too long. My first mc I hot af after 2 weeks then it was "normal" for me after that same after my chemical. I really really hope it's the same for you I hope life isn't that cruel for you. Best of luck hun I hope you get your forever baby soon x x
I think I'm gonna try get metformin from my gp. Can really help pcos and also weight gain! I have the acne and facial hair that comes with it too. And pile weight on only on my stomach and face no where else. I'm constantly thirsty and reallyy crave sugar so i'm gonna book an appt with the nice doc and go from that side and hopefully I can get testing then if sugars are a bit off get metformin xxx
Good luck, i think I'm going to go back to GP in new year and ask again about metformin. Let us know how you get on x
Will defo let you know :). Hoping they will give me it. I can't handle the rollercoaster of hormones that comes from the fortnightly cycles!
Thinking of trying soy iso starting tomorrow to see if that will help next cycle be a normal one xxxx
So sorry AF came Millie, I'm also going to ask about Metformin for next cycle, I also have the excess body hair, spots weight gain...u name it I have it

Big hugs to you sweetie :hugs: xxx
Thank you Clover. How are you doing?
I hope we both get given the metformin!! I've heard it really helps both ttc and to help prevent mc xxx
Will defo let you know :). Hoping they will give me it. I can't handle the rollercoaster of hormones that comes from the fortnightly cycles!
Thinking of trying soy iso starting tomorrow to see if that will help next cycle be a normal one xxxx

I started taking soy the last 2 cycles and today I got a +opk on CD16 which is early for me so it must be working. Good luck with it x
Awww that's great! Fingers crossed it does the trick for you!
I'm hoping it will help keep mine regular lol xxx

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