Milk before or after food?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Just wanted to know which way round you do it? I give Isaac milk then food or he won't have any of his bottle. The HV today has told me to give more solids and less milk so I'm thinking I will have to give milk at the end of his jars.

What do you do?

Lou :)
i give thomas milk then food. if he has drunk well, i give him something else but if he has not i just give him milk.
I think milk then food! I'm still bf'ing on demand so Oscar gets milk when he wants and food morning and noon.

Sorry - not much help!
Emilia xx
To wean them off milk though it's supposed to be food then milk, because if they drink too much milk they won't eat as much food and this is what they will eventually be eating so it makes the whole weaning process take longer.

Good luck with it :)
Ives always given milk then food, as HV advised milk is more important. Like you Lou, if i gave him solids first he wouldnt touch his bottle afterwards! :)
Yep sorry I am thinking the later you wean when they are around 8-9 months then they say milk after food.

It's good to do the milk before food when you are starting weaning as they are nice and calm after milk and will therefore be more chilled if you offer other stuff.

Doh - I meant well :)
I was wondering about when to start actual weaning? at what age do you start to reduce the milk and increase the solids? and I guess eventually you aim so they have no milk with their meals, just water? say breakfast dinner and tea and a bottle before bed??? it confuses me a bit
I give Reece food or milk but never together. If I did he'd stuff himself. First meal's milk, then next one's food, then milk etc:D
It is bloody confusing, I just let Dom guide me really and experimented.

I had to wean early as I was only BF and then became ill and he would not take a bottle so I had to get him to have other food.

After a few months of real food you can increase portions when they are happy and drop a feed and so on. I think having the first and last feeds as milk are important but ones during the day can be dropped gradually.

Now Dom is taking a beaker a bit better I want to try to go from 3 to 2 boobie feeds a day.

Good luck with it all weaning is fun but I still wonder when to drop this and increase that etc etc LOL
I am bfing so Seren has milk when she wants, but has 2 meals a day. As I am demand feeding she has her meals at seperate times to her milk.

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