Milk allergy?

I tried to give her formula the day she was born as she was refusing boob but she wouldn't take any. She may have had an oz or 2 when we had to take James to A&E when she was a few months old. That was it though. I gave all my formula to the food bank lol.

I didn't realise such a minute amount could have an effect? Although of course I see how much a small amount affects her now. Bee always had quite mucusy stools, was sick to the extent she had to constantly be in a bib from birth to weaning.

I didnt realise she had had so little formula Nat. It seems like she may have known it was bad for her from the start.

DD was never super sicky she seemed to have silent reflux. DS would always get sicky after I ate dairy but I cut it out pretty early with him because I was half expecting it. I think there were other foods that effected them too but I never quite got to the bottom of it. Mucus in the poo and general fussiness were alway our main symptoms. Being sick a lot would be a typical symptom though. Thankfully DD has completely grown out of it and DS is improving.

Again sorry to hijack your thread Casey.
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Since the blotchy reactions started she's screaming when having a bottle but eventually drinking it as she's so hungry but she's waking frequently throughout the night inconsolable. I feel so bad having to give them to her but with no other option at the moment I can't starve her either. I might try her on solids today to see if it helps her. Tomorrow can't come quick enough . If it's not a milk allergy I'm going to have to push for further answers as she's really unhappy at the moment and I don't want to feel like I'm torturing her anymore xxx
Some babies with allergies dont take to solids very fast but that wasnt my experience. My two took to solids right away and ever looked back.

There are special allergy formulas you can get on prescription. I think first they try one that is still cow milk based but has been processed to break down the protiens which is enough for some babies. If that doesnt work they move on to non dairy based ones. It can be hard to get some babies to accept them because they are suposed to taste bad. Doctors can be slow to be helpful partly because they are not always very well informed and partly because special formulas are expensive. A lot of parents find they need to be pushy to get help. It seems like you really need something. If the milk doesnt agree with her it cant be very good for her to keep having it but you dont have a lot of choice right now.

Sorry you are going though this, it must be really hard. If you google "cows milk protien allergy" (CMPA) or "cow's milk protein intolerance" (CMPI) you will find support groups and lots of experiences from other mums. That was invaluable for us.
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Thank you. I'm just a little worried as a lot of her symptoms point to a delayed reaction. Do you think they'd be willing to try her on different milk to see if it helps. Her nappies the past 12 hours have been explosions. Ive tried solids a few times as she's 6 and a half months but she just doesn't seem ready. She spits it all back out repeatedly and turns her head away from the spoon if you put it near her mouth. I'm going to try again today in hope it will fill her up without hurting her little tummy. She is due milk anytime now so will see how she gets on xxx
It does really sound to me like she is reacting to the milk. The explosive poos etc could be from an immediate or delayed reaction. The rash sounds more like an immediate reaction. As far as 'treatment' goes it shouldnt make a difference. Most doctors dont even bother with allergy testing anymore because its easier and more reliable just to try out a change of diet. If the baby gets better on a special formula that is the answer. The only thing that is more worrying about an imediate reaction is that in rare cases it is the type of reaction that can get worse every time until it turns into anaphylaxis shock. That is not common though.

I think you just have to keep pushing the doctor until they help. The only other alternative is to get ahold of some of the special formula yourself and do your own trial and at least that way you know if it is going to help or not. It is really expensive without a prescription though.
I'm going to beg the Dr tomorrow to let her try some as this past few days has been evil. It's so hard to see her so unhappy. She actually wolfed down some puree earlier but think it was due to being so hungry as she hasn't wanted anymore since xxxx
We saw the Dr at hospital today. He thinks it's unlikely to be a milk allergy due to not many immediate symptoms. He thinks it's severe reflux and has prescribed some rantidine? Got to give it 2 - 4 weeks and if no better take her back to the gp. It doesn't explain the rash on her face. I showed him the pictures. I really hope it works for her and that is the issue but I don't know if it will. I'm going to take it day by day xxx
Sorry to hear he was not more helpful. I'm not sure how many symptoms he wants to. See!
It's good that they don't think it's a milk allergy but I'm not sure that reflux can cause a rash? Fingers crossed that the medication works xx
Hmmmm, have to say I'm not convinced. I'd carry on keeping a food diary and documenting any reactions.

Hopefully Dr is right of course but the rash is so distinctive I am surprised it wasn't addressed properly.

I've said that to my oh that I'm going to keep a food diary and take it to the Dr if anything carrys on. I'll keep you all updated though xxx
It's good that they don't think it's a milk allergy but I'm not sure that reflux can cause a rash? Fingers crossed that the medication works xx

Reflux doesnt cause a rash but milk alergy does cause reflux.
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Could be possible that she has reflux and CMPI? One of the ladies on her has a little girl with both. But as it's been said reflux doesn't cause a rash :/ hope you get her sorted out xx
As said before reflux can't cause a rash but allergy can cause reflux. I can't believe he dismissed it so easily. Oliver had very little symptoms and the doc right away knew what it was before I even said everything. You can buy formula to try for yourself to see but it is expensive around the £30 mark I think. I'd be happy to mail you a sealed tin if you wanted to try it. It doesn't taste nice but they soon get used to it xxx
Hiya my daughter was prone to blotchy rashes until the prescription formula but when her reflux flares up she gets a rash on her chin and cheeks just because they r wetter and stomach acid on her sensitive skin. This mainly happens when teething or a cold. My lg got put on to nutramigen formula which has hydrolysed milk protein in it, this means the milk is just more broken down in the hope the body doesn't recognize it. If she still reacted to this should would have been put onto neocate formula. If u choose to try nutramigen it's a different taste for them, my LG didn't care but she's a pig. It smells like cabbage and comes out the other end even worse smelling. It's just to warn you so you don't think anything is wrong. Plus poop is more sage green in colour.
Thank you for the offer little miss hopeful that would be really nice. I'm going to give her a couple of weeks on the new medicine to see if it helps. The blotchiness has gone down a little bit but I still don't think that reflux is the issue but I will wait the 2 weeks like the Dr told me to. With a food diary in hand this time. The Dr was in such a rush though he was an hour late arriving at the clinic and only spent around 5 mins with each patient. No tests were done to check for a cow milk allergy or intolerance he just looked over her quickly. I do feel fobbed off but then again the way things have been going with that hospital I don't trust them anyways. They recently admitted that they could have been at fault for the stillbirth of lily's twin but that a whole other issue that's going on. Lily's still very unhappy and her diarrhoea even worse, I've had to change her clothes twice today and the screaming is awful and I do think it's tummy ache as she usually settles for a little while after having a poo. I'll may take her back to the gp Monday anyways xxx

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