

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2014
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I like my MIL but I'm find her really judgemental about how other people raise their babies. She's made comments to me saying that I shouldn't let my baby rule over me. But my baby is only 4 months old so if she cries it's not her ruling over me it just means that there's something wrong. She also makes comments and criticizes her daughter and daughter in law on how they are raising their babies. It annoying me because all babies are different and they're doing the best that they can and so am I. She's not around the babies all the time so how is it her right to make harsh comments about how they're being raised?
Everyone has an opinion when it comes to parenting - and for some reason lots of people feel the need to share their opinion even when it isn't needed! My advice would be to have a stock phrase for her that you can rinse and repeat EVERY time she has a dig. Something like "everyone's different" or "as long as mum and baby are happy, who cares?" or "we all do things our own way" ... not sure exactly but have a think about your phrase and get ready to fire it out whenever you need to. Change the subject after you've said or leave the room or do whatever it takes to avoid getting caught up in any further debate. X
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Yeah I just brush off her comments and move on but I just feel that they are unnecessary and needed to vent a bit!
Yeah, a good vent is needed from time to time for sure. I have a constant struggle with my MIL too. I think mylullaby has given good advice though. Good luck :-)
I got on with my mil great until she started sharing her advice. My mum is the same sometimes. Older generation forget things change we know more about our babies now whats good and not good for them.

My mums choice phrase for me was well I raised 3 you turned out ok. So alot of people go by that rule.. Id just ignore her and move on or like lullaby says jus repeat everyones different.

As long as when if she cares for baby she goes by your rules. My mum might think im a bit OTT sometimes but she goes along with it.

Offering advice is one thing - mostly can be ignored as people are trying to be helpful. And to be fair, I've had a few good tips that's way.

But passing judgement when the kid is happy and healthy, just isn't on.

I wouldn't be able to brush off someone criticising me. I'd say - If you don't like it then leave, or you can stay and keep your opinions to yourself.
My mother in laws the same, I just slag her off to my husband and he just nods lol xx
I had a lot of issues with mil when pregnant, luckily we overcame them just in time before DD was born. She is very old fashioned and thinks things should still be done how they were in the 70s. I just don't mention certain things now so she cant give her opinion. She was only telling me yesterday I shouldn't wean my daughter until she reaches 16lbs as that's how it used to be. If I wait until then she will be about 8 months. .lol.. We will do it when she is ready.
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I get on really well with mine but have a more direct approach.

When she told me something once that I should do, I disagreed, told her my reasons and said what j thought about her doing that when OH was young.

She's never said anything since!!

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