Midwives appointments.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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How often do you have midwife appointments and when do you first need to go?

So far my midwife hasn't even called..
Rang the surgery last Monday to say I was pregnant and they took my details and left a message for the midwife to call on Wednesday morning.
Rang Thursday to see whether I'd been forgotten and they gave me another number to call for the midwives. Rang that number and left a message.
5:30 Thursday a midwife rings me to say that I need to make a doctor's appointment for them to check my heart & lungs and to pick up a maternity pack with bits that I need to fill in. Once that's done, then I'm put onto Mel's list and she will ring me.
Friday morning (yesterday) I rang the surgery again to request said GP appointment and they said that I don't need one, they don't do that and in the first instance Mel needs to speak to me at home for my booking appointment before anything else happens. She said that Mel pops into the surgery throughout the day so if she saw her today, she'd remind her to call. No call.

So now it's been a week and the midwife hasn't bothered to call at all, not even to leave a message if I was out.

I know I'm not in the late stages or anything, but I guess I'm just excited and want something to happen! LOL. Something to make it more real, I guess...

So when did you all have your first appointments?
I had my first appt yesterday with my midwife. I was 9 wks and 4 days and won't be seeing anyone again for a month, other than for my scan.

I saw my GP at 5 weeks and she said to make an appt with the midwife and yesterday was the first available appt from that time!
i went to the gp at 5 weeks hun but dint see the midwife will i was 9 weeks
ifferent areas do different times and ways of making the appt. if my midwife had have to of delivered a baby that day i wouldnt of been seen till i was 11 weeks
manda xx
I saw GP at 5 weeks, and he didn't do anything, just informed the midwife.
Saw midwife at almost 8 weeks and had blood pressure and urine checked and filled in loads of paperwork. She said it was a bit early for booking in!
Had scan at 10 weeks.
Next see midwife at 16 weeks when they will test bloods.

There is loads of waiting for something to happen in first tri I'm afraid :hug: :hug:
I went to see my GP a few days after a positive test. We had a chat and she said to book in and see the midwife over the next few weeks. So I booked and was 7 weeks when I first saw the MW then. I'll be 12 weeks when I go back next.

I'd just phone up and book an appointment for sometime in the next couple of weeks, regardless. Better just to book rather than wait for her to return your call. They don't do much first appointment anyways. Mine as just paperwork and a chat. No bloods or anything till 12 weeks.
I was about the same as Sherlock, 5 weeks to doctor (same day as +ve test) and then about 7 weeks when I saw the midwife - first available appt. To be honest they're not really that bothered about you until you're 12 weeks and you get your scan from what I can tell!!!!

It's a waiting game this pregnancy lark!
I have my first midwife apointment on tuedays. Already had scans at the hospital and i was told to book an appointment with the midwife straight away.

Phoned the doctors and they said you should get an appointment with the midwife ASAP so they can do all relevant checks and paperwork. This might have something to do with my history though.

Guess its the good old postcode lottery system again!

I have my midwive app next week, I will be 11 weeks.
i went to the GP at 4 weeks and my mw appointment is on oct 24th. my midwife did write me a nice letter of congrats though coz my son is only 9 months old and she rememberd me
Most midwives dont do booking until 10 weeks or so - it is a sad fact that so many pregnancies end in miscarriage before this time and all the paperwork would be completed unnecessarily - in most cases with a first pregnancy people will visit a gp - who 'should' be able to tell them the routine at their surgery - the first appointment is usually paperwork, bloods, urine test bp and referral for a scan.
I am in my sixth pregnancy now and have had my earliest booking yet - with my first 2 I never got booked as miscarried first, the next I booked at around 12 weeks as couldnt wait any longer to make it seem real. the next I didnt book until 16 weeks as was busy knew all I needed to know and had already had early scans through bleeding. This time I heard that my local hospital has just started doing routine 12 week scans (I paid privately before) so booked at 9 weeks as that is when I had childcare for and wanted to make sure there was plenty of time to refer for scan on a day I can make (I have 3 children so a hectic taxi life!!)
First pregnancies tend to get seen monthly unitl 30 weeks then fortnightly until 36 then weekly - subsequent pregnacies are seen less often as usually less reassurance etc needed unless like me you get preeclampsia then I get seen twice weekly!! get to know my midwife really well

sorry didnt mean such a long post! usually get interrupted before I finish but tv on and all happy :)
Thanks girls. So basically I sit tight and wait for the midwife to call, which could be anytime between now and 11 weeks! :D

How frustrating...I wanted something "real" to happen! :D :)

Hi there!!!

I went for my first midwife appointment on Friday 5th October (8+5) and it was lovely!!! I was weighed and had my blood pressure taken and they took some blood from me - she asked a lot of medical history questions and gave me a white book I need to take to all my appointments!!! I also got a bounty pack and a pregnancy book too!!!!! It was so exciting!! I dont need to go again until the 16th Nov and I have my scan booked for the 31st October!!!! I am made up!!!!

he he he he!!!
Wow Mrs H - loads of goodies! :D

AM so jealous....can't wait until I get my first appointment.... :)

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