Midwifes this morning


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Went midwifes this morning..............

my bump was right size comin in at 24/25 weeks (im 24+3)

mentioned the itching so they took blood for the OC
also had a little protien in my wee so had that sent off

other then that she had a feel around, n listened to heart beat lol lil one had hick ups blesssssssssssssss

but yep all went well, next app in 4 weeks now
Glad you had a good appointment hun x
I had a little bit of protein in mine at my 16 week appointment, they sent it off and it came back all clear!
Awww bless her having hiccups :) xxx

Oh and my midwife hasn't measured my bump yet??? I was there on monday.
I had a little bit of protein in mine at my 16 week appointment, they sent it off and it came back all clear!
Awww bless her having hiccups :) xxx

Oh and my midwife hasn't measured my bump yet??? I was there on monday.

They start measuring bump at 28 weeks Shauna :)

It's so cute when they get hiccups isn't it?? Awwww! xx
aw yer bless ..............this lil en has always got them,

and shauna i think she only measured it coz i ask is it to small coz i thought it had shrunk haha, i think im just a lil para coz even tho they say every preganacy is diff i was soo big with DS i keep comparing it and then i get a bit paniced, any how alls good x xx

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