Hi newbump!
In the uk, you would normally see a midwife at the scan..usually they are midwives trained to spot any problems, so that they can call the doctor in if they spot anything. The first scan in the uk is usually at about 10 -14 weeks, and as long as you've seen your gp, he/she will set up the appointment for you and if the appointment doesn't suit, you will have the option to change it. then you would normally see your doctor and midwife on a rotating schedule, one every four weeks or so until about 32 weeks I think it is, at which stage you go to two weekly visits, still alternating between them, then at about 38 weeks it becomes weekly. You will need to decide where you want to have your baby before your 12 week app, so as they can book your bed, etc.You'll also need to take a urine sample with you, and the app could last around 2 hours. You'll be asked loads of questions, some of them really personal, but mostly about family medical history, and you'll also have the routine blood tests, which test for things like rubella immunity, syphilis, blood type, rhesus factor(+/-), hep B, and anaemia, and you'll probably be asked if you want an HIV test, as well,( this is routine now). You'll need to know the date of your last period, but if you're not exactly sure it's not a problem. You need to drink quite a bit of water before you go (and not go to the loo) because it's frustrating if you get sent out and told to drink more, and the hospital water always tastes foul

you'll be asked about any miscarriages, and previous pregnancies, and also they'll ask about your diet, smoking, drinking, etc.They also generally ask about medication, and drug use, both legal and illegal, purely out of concern for the health of your baby. (This is all completely confidential, and they are trained to be non-judgemental on these matters). They will also discuss the blood test for Down's syndrome, which is usually done at around 16 weeks, so if you want it, you would give blood again at your next appointment. If you want a home birth, this is the time to mention it, and most doctors/midwives are usually fully supportive of this nowadays. The urine tests are for protein and sugar levels, because both/either can be indicators for possible problems, as well as urinary infections, which are extremely common in pregnancy. You will most likely be weighed and measured as well (for height). Blood pressure will be taken at every appointment. The midwife may also gently try to feel the baby through your abdomen, but it isn't painful, just weird!
Anyway, sorry it's a long reply, but I've put in all that I can think of, and I hope it's helpful. Good luck!
Love and Light