Midwife Update


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Well was at the midwife today everything went fine baby is already in the right position head down woop and she measured my stomach which was 32 cm which she says was perfect but she says the baby dont have alot of room in there which freaked me out maybe he will come a little earlier. Got my next appointment in 2 weeks cant wait x
Glad everything went well :) Lets hope baby stays in the right position and all goes nice and smoothly :D xx
thanks guys. Is it a good thing he is in the right position just now or is that quite common at my stage ?
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My little girls been in a perfect position for weeks now and the midwifes are always pleased about it :) so deffinatly a good thing (although obviously not a sign that you'll go early! lol) x
haha melio it was my bf who says that to me because she says he dont have much room in there as a wee joke. you know guys haha :)
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im happy everything goes so well for you! cant belive how far gone you are!
im happy everything goes so well for you! cant belive how far gone you are!
i know isobel i was thinking the same today i have my 36 week appointment with the midwife in 2 weeks then i only have 4 weeks left time will fly in :)
Just wondering if the baby's head is lying the right way just now and am only 34 weeks whats the chances of him moving?
my baby has been head down since around 33 weeks and hasnt moved. Probably a good sign that midwife thinks theres not too much room cos there wont be room for baby to turn too much!!

Glad you had a good appointment :yay:
yeah i never even looked at it like that good point hopefully he stays put hehe x

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