Midwife today, Ugh


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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IM hoping that my midwife is off today again, I hate her. She is useless and soo being mean just because im young (She was nice to me when i first met her, till she saw my DOB) Ive only had to see her once so far, had substitutes the other times.

PLus I feel like crap and know ive got a helluva headache waiting to kick off, and she is gonna steal my bood.
Maybee she will be nicer to you this time Momma'Kat as your further along than last time.
They seem to ignore you at mine till your much later on, very strange.

Try to chat with her and unfreeze her , and she may come round a bit more
Thats what i tried at my 20 week scan, cause the woman was a cow. But i just ended up making myself look crazy, Somehow i got into how the baby looked like a demon on their scan machines, and that i was wearing pink cow underwear...

Small talk isnt my strong point..
Ah that's so sad you have a rubbish midwife :( Mine is absolutely lovely, though bugged me a bit last time cause she got really funny about giving me the number for private birthing classes, and kept saying it would be better for me to take the free ones. My sister in law who is ten years older than me had the same midwife - and the midwife ONLY gave her the number of the private classes. I felt like saying we take home £10k more a year than claire does, just cause we're young, it doesn't mean we dont both work our backsides off in order to live comfortably!! Never mind, she is really nice, just bugs me when people judge because we're going to be young mums!!
Yeah it was the evil one. She scared the crap out of splodge, I layed down on the couchie thing so she could check babys heartbeat.. I could feel where he was and he was sitting right up high so she wouldnt have needed to press to find his heart beat.... she didnt even feel my tummy, just jammed the doppler into my stomach right where splodge's head or bum was and i swear he freaked out, he sumersaulted to the other side of my tummy and started kicking like crazy.

Baby torturer!

And what did she say "Oh you stupid thing cooperate"

Its like.. You just jammed it with a plastic stick.. And then called it stupid for moving away..

I wanted to hit her.

Next appt in 5 weeks, Anti D.. yay.. Not.
Oh and she didnt know whether to give me a Mat b1 form..I said i wasnt sure, do I need one for my benifits? she didnt give me one in the end >.<
one of my mws was always dead funny with me! the other one was always lovely tho! hope shes a bit nicer today!
oops posted at the same time there! they have to press pretty hard with the doppler anyway, my girls always hated it!!
oops posted at the same time there! they have to press pretty hard with the doppler anyway, my girls always hated it!!

Pfft thats crap, i have one at home which isnt as good as the ones they use, and i dont have to press atall. They are just mean.
I havent even been with my Midwife yet!! Jus at hospital scans, I rang for a midwife appointment this week and they could only offer me one for two weeks time!!
Yeah it was the evil one. She scared the crap out of splodge, I layed down on the couchie thing so she could check babys heartbeat.. I could feel where he was and he was sitting right up high so she wouldnt have needed to press to find his heart beat.... she didnt even feel my tummy, just jammed the doppler into my stomach right where splodge's head or bum was and i swear he freaked out, he sumersaulted to the other side of my tummy and started kicking like crazy.

Baby torturer!

And what did she say "Oh you stupid thing cooperate"

Its like.. You just jammed it with a plastic stick.. And then called it stupid for moving away..

I wanted to hit her.

Next appt in 5 weeks, Anti D.. yay.. Not.

How horrid :( Can you request to have someone else permanently?

I've got my second MW appointment today, but my first was with a stand in, this is going to be my real one. Fingers crossed she's nice.
I would definately request another one! It's quite good at my clinic- 3 MWs on a rota. They all work the same days so I know as long as I book on a Tues or Thurs I will see Steph. She is awesome, the others are nice also but I get on best with her.


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