help please


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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ive left my pregnancy notes at my boyfriends and i have just been dropped off at my grandmas near where my doctors is, ive got an appointement with the midwife today and i cant get over to get them :(, will she see?:wall2: me im really panicking :(
OK deep breath hun. Im sure she will, I forgot my notes once and got seen. Just go and explain Im sure it will be fine. If not (and I cant think of a reason they wont see you), rebook its not the end of the world hey, or is it a problem getting there and miles away and have you taken time off work? xxx
It's about 40 minutes away and i am currently unemployed. I was really looking forward to this appointment what am i like. Do you think i should phone the doctors and explain it and see what they say do you think? xxx
ive left my pregnancy notes at my boyfriends and i have just been dropped off at my grandmas near where my doctors is, ive got an appointement with the midwife today and i cant get over to get them :(, will she see?:wall2: me im really panicking :(

no she will jst right it on a spare bit of paper and tell you to stick them in your notes, ive been hospital twice this week with my pregnancy and never took my notes.

or she will make a note of you blood pressure etc in her diary and just put them in at next visit
thankyou roxane 1985, ill just turn up then :) xxx
yh, just explain you left them but by the time you realised u was already at the midwives and it wont happen again.

ive learnt my lesson from my first kid and i just always keep mine in my handbag now just incase lol
okay chick i hope shes not funny with me lol x
if she is just ignore her, ur more likely to get jip of the receptionists lol, they always have attitude lol
enjoy your appointment let us know how it goes x
p.s if your interested in ever purchasing a homer dopler so you can listen i'd recomend the angel sounds one, easy to use and excellent price
ah great hun i might get one off ebay :) x

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