Midwife - how does it work regarding the birth?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Ok, this is going to sound a bit thick perhaps but I'm not sure how it all works so thought I'd ask.

I have been seeing a particular midwife throughout my pregnancy for set appointments, although I have seen others from time to time. Is it at all likely that she will be the person who delivers my baby? I'm not bothered who does but I just was interested to know. Also, if my waters break or I start to have regular contractions at any point over the next few weeks, do I call mw or labour ward?

Perhaps this is normally discussed at the 36wk appt but I was just unsure so thought I'd ask.
I didn't have my m/w when in labour with Lacey. I think it's whoever is working at the time. As for who you phoned, I phoned the maternity ward as it's the same number I have for M/W too.
Chaz is right. I phoned labour ward and told them I was coming in. It's whoever is on shift at the time. If though your in early labour or unsure if you are in labour you could phone up your midwife for advice etc. You never know perhaps she'll be on shift at the hospital when your in labour!
It's different everywhere...with my last kids I had a mw team and would get whoever was on duty at the time but now they've changed it to community and hospital mw's so I won't know the mw I get.

If u go into labour then ring the hospital,my mw only collects msgs at certain timeson certain days xxx
good question.. i think i be lucky if the same mw deliver me but in my case, i hope so!

i wonder if i go in to early labout (before 37 weeks) will i go to my birthcenter or to the hospital? prob the hospital incase baby needs help from doctors?
I've been told I definitely have to go to the hospital and that they wouldn't consider me for the birth center since the bleed and because of bub's size.
With my first - i saw the same CMW thruout and she was lovely, but at the hospital i just saw the midwife that was on duty - i had a man! You wont beleive how much you just do not care though & he was lovely!

This time round though - iv seen different CMW's each time! Which i find abit unsettling as they know nothing about you an lets face it, we are yet to meet a midwife who will god forbid actually look at our notes eh!?

Haha. I hope i have a nice mw in labour, my friend had someone awful who she said sounded like the evil mrs doubtfire! ''POOOOOSH DEAR - POOOOSH..!!!!!''
where i am you have a community midwife who see me thru pregnancy and a diff team that work on the ward so i know it will be a diff one
im terrified i will have some grumpy old skanky mw that expect me to know how to do haha
I hadn't seen the mw who delivered DD before but she was lovely x I phoned hospital when I was in labour with DD but this time my named mw will give me the number for the community mw's who'll then come out to me (if I manage to get my hb! Find out in 3 weeks!!!!) x
Haha i know what you mean Isobel! But, if you do you can always request a different midwife! Why should thats supposed to be special be ruined because of the midwife! Most are lovely though i think my friend was unlucky, it also said in her birth plan that he wanted her OH to cut the cord, and the midwife cut it, AFTER her OH had asked could he cut it!!

Haha i know what you mean Isobel! But, if you do you can always request a different midwife! Why should thats supposed to be special be ruined because of the midwife! Most are lovely though i think my friend was unlucky, it also said in her birth plan that he wanted her OH to cut the cord, and the midwife cut it, AFTER her OH had asked could he cut it!!

iv got a midwife who lives opposite me, but i went to school with her so kinda dont want her to be on duty when i pop cos i dont want her sayin to her hubby, yeh you know who i mean Amy across the street, i saw her flaf today when delivering her baby, lol

im sure she would be professional, but hey, its my downstairs bits,

Hey Annie,
Apparently as others have said you have a community midwife who you see regular at docs or hos and then when you go into labour its whoever is working at the time and then the midwife you have seen through the pregnancy usually comes and visits you at home after, at least thats what ive been told. x
Hun yeh i agree its prob the midwife on duty that day or night u go into labour xx
iv got a midwife who lives opposite me, but i went to school with her so kinda dont want her to be on duty when i pop cos i dont want her sayin to her hubby, yeh you know who i mean Amy across the street, i saw her flaf today when delivering her baby, lol

im sure she would be professional, but hey, its my downstairs bits,


Haha that made me giggle!!

I was thinking I would prefer it to be a midwife I hadnt seen through out my pregnancy... it dawned on me the other day that the midwife sees you throughout and she must at some point think 'god I'm gonna see this ones minnie at some point!' Kind of changes your relationship! hahaha

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