Midwife has called in...something is wrong with me. UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2006
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I am now a nervous wreck. She has called in with a blood form for me to go and have another blood test as they have found anti bodies in my blood when I had blood test on Tuesday and they want me to go have the blood test done on monday and it has got to be sent to Sheffield.It says on blood form has anti c anti bodies in last screen whatever that means

I will also get an appointment through the post to go see my consultant to discuss the results.

I am really worried . I asked her what its likely to be she said she didn't know
what blood type are you Cloud9?

Hope everything is okay hun try not to worry too much :hug:
oh no, u must be really frightened! i'm sorry i dont know what it means.
lots of good luck though :hug:
I am A+

Ante natal clinic has phoned and said it depends on my anti body levels if it will affect the baby but i have a consultant scan on Thursday with the consultant at the diagnostic scan...They said it should take about 5 days for my blood results but they may get verbal results by Thursday.
have no idea what this could be Cloud but hope all is ok and big hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun........I can't help either....hopefully it is worry over nothing, I know its hard not to worry, but if it was serious serious they would have done something today...so hopefully thats a positive to cling to :hug:

Lots of hugs for you & D :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have done some searching on the net not much on it but it seems to be the same as RH - blood probs except rarer because I am +

In very rare circumstances, a woman with a positive blood group can develop antibodies. This may happen because of a previous blood transfusion. The antibodies may be 'anti-C' or 'anti-E', 'anti- Kidd', 'anti-Kell' or 'anti-Duffy' (after the people who discovered them). This is why all pregnant women are screened for antibodies at their first pregnancy visit.

If antibodies are detected, the woman will require further blood tests at regular intervals to monitor their levels (or 'titres') and her unborn baby may need to be monitored for isoimmunisation

It seems if levels get too high he may need blood transfusion and if very high may be delivered early.
hun don't worry, you know how they like to worry you for know reason :hug:

god bless you... don't worry :hug:
Just wanted to send well wishes cloud9 :hug:
I think waiting until you see the consultant would be best, as sometimes reading lots on the internet can cause unecessary worry, although like people have said, that's easier said than done.
Very best wishes cloud9, I do hope time hurries to your appointment for you, the MW really should have explained better :hug:

Found this, don't know if it will help though..
http://www.blood.co.uk/hospitals/librar ... gnancy.pdf
Its good that they do the blood tests throughout pg, to have discovered you have the anti-c blood cells so they can act on it......looks like they will just need to montior you hun (more blood tests :hug: :hug: ).

If they give you anti-d injection, then don't worry it doesn't hurt, just tingles as it goes in (ask for it in your thigh and wiggle your toes as she injects - makes it easier :wink: ) - make sure you get injection after you give birth too (within 3 days).

Hope you managed to get a good kip last night hun :hug:
Thx redshoes that was really helpful :hug:

Em from what I have read if my anit body levels are too high they will prolly induce me or go for a c section at this stage...He may need a blood transfusion as soon as he is born. if my anti body levels aren't high they will just continue to monitor me till birth.

I don't think the anti D injection works for the anti C but I guess its just a waiting game...he is very active at the mo so taking that as a good sign.
Gosh I didn't realise that (sorry hun :hug: ).........I am sure they will make the right decision for your situation, and it sounds like normally inactive Dylan is trying to reassure mommy that he is ok by being nice & active :hug: :hug: :hug:
You're welcome cloud9 :hug:

I agree Emmylou, LO is letting you know he's there and wants mummy to smile and know he's fine :D just take it easy and the relaxation will hopefully ease your mind :hug:

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