Gestational Diabetes *Results are in*


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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Does anyone here have GD?

I have been feeling terrible this week and my blood sugar levels are all over the place, so I am having a repeat GTT on monday morning as Midwife thinks I may have GD...

In the meantime I would like to do my best to help the situation in case I do have it...

Any advice on things I can/cannot, should/should not eat etc would be most appreciated



Had midwife app for my second GTT, she took blood and I should have the results either this afternoon or tomorrow.... :pray:

Whilst I was there she also gave me my second Anti-D jab...

2 jabs in one morning!! YUK!

Feel so rough now after that glucose drink at 7am :puke: :puke:


My Blood count is 117
And my GTT test came back with 6.7 (its was 7.6 before)

So Im in the clear!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

She said I may have picked up something which has been making me feel lousy, or could just be the fact I am 34 weeks pregnant!
Either way she told me to rest more and to eat sensibly.

Soooo relieved :cheer:
i think kazlin(sp) has GD ( i think :think: ) sorry if ive got that wrong... i remeber reading a post about GD just try and cut down alot on sugar... thats about all i can think of im real sorry hun couldnt be of mush help but didnt want to read n run away :) :hug:
*nods* I do have this.

The best thing I would do at the moment is to cut out all sugar, this includes fizzy drinks except Pepsi Max :wink:
Fruit and Fibre is what I eat for breakfast now which is really good because it's still a kind of sweet taste (and I love sweet things!!!) so I find I don't crave sugar too much after eating it.
Muller Lite yogurts are fine too, the toffee one is yummy.
Switch to brown bread, pasta, rice...just try to become ultra healthy!

It's really easy to manage once you get used to it, but fingers crossed you don't have it.
Please speak to your doc/midwife about the food I have suggested though as I am not qualified in this field, it's just what I have been told is right for me.

PM me if you want to and best of luck :hug:
Thanks :hug:

Do you have to check your blood sugar level and inject insulin every day?

What about Baby? Do they monitor them more closely? have they talked to you about the birth etc?

Hope you dont mind me asking all these questions....

Thanks for the tips on what to eat etc.... feeling a little better having adjusted my diet somewhat... :hug:
Having my second GTT tomorrow morning :pray:

So let me check I have this right... as i want to make sure the result is as accurate as possible...

I stop eating and only drink water from 9pm tonight.
At 7am tomorrow morning I drink the stuff.
Then at 9am they take a sample of my blood.

Does that sound right? I have done it before and sure it is right but im just so worried about it I feel the need to check :oops:
Oh hun, sorry I didn't see your post.
I do have to monitor my blood with a finger prick test four times a day and I am on tablets, not injections, one a day. Will check back here to see your results :hug:
hope you feel a bit better soon hon - good luck for your results later :hug:
Yey!!!!!! Glad to hear you are in the clear (that rhymes! :D )
Are you feeling any better now?
Brilliant news!

I wish they'd test me for GD, I'm paranoid I've got it. Especially with my biff baby!!!

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