Midwife Appt. :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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My midwife is on holiday, so saw another midwife at the clinic today. She said baby's gonna be a tall one! Lol he's long. :p But he's 2/5ths engaged. (She said she can only feel a little bit of his head now. Am I right in thinking this 2/5ths means she can feel 2/5ths of his head?) She said he won't go much further down than that and she reckons it'll be any day now. Eeee. :D Am so excited!
Nat , sorry I'm no help on the engaged thing , but that sounds promising from the midwife then, hope she is right for you - do you feel ready for him to come out?
Lol I think that's what it means. It says he was 3/5ths before and now 2/5ths. XD

I don't have another midwife appointment until the day after my due date, when my original midwife is coming to visit me at home. So if he comes early, there won't be another one. Ahh ahha. :p

Lol I'm not sure if I'm ready or not tbh. But whether I'm ready or not, he'll come when he wants to lol! So I'm feeling excited. :D Would like him to stay in until my due date if I'm honest, but I can't force him hahaha.
do they do external to find out if baby is engaged or internal?
Yeah, midwife just felt around the pubic bone area. I actually haven't ever gotten an internal exam from the midwife... so far anyway.
I had to do it a few times when I used to be Student MW, could actually feel baby's ears one time as the Mum was a very slim young Lady!

Hope all goes well for you Naaat :)

Wow, how cool, being able to feel his ears haha. :) I keep feeling to see if I can feel a bit of his head, but nope, I can't feel it haha.

Thank you. :D

im the same i try to feel noas little head but my tummy is too wobbly down there to know what im feeling haha
Tim thought he felt charley's head and the day after the mw said I was 3/5th's engaged! It feels too tender when I try feeling anything!!
Yay for being 2/5th's, he'll be here soon :D
Lol I've given up trying to feel, it's just not possible! haha XD

Eee I hope it won't be too long now. :D I can't wait to meet himmm. :)

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