Midwife Appt and Home Remedies Galore


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Saw the midwife this morning, brought up the itching.. she said she wasnt convinced it was OC so didnt want to do a blood test.Brought up the pain.. she said that yes some women are put for inductions, but she wasnt going to refer me to the consultant today because she wants me to think about it more.. So first thing tomorrow ill call the office and ask for her to do it lolStill doing the accupressure, the calf point sets off braxton hicks for sure but nothing more than that so far.. Nipple stim I have started doing it over a babywipe to reduce mess LOLAlso went to holland and barrat after a bit of googling yesterday, got some Evening primrose oil capsules (How do I use those?) some Black Cohosh (Freakin STINKS) and some Clary Sage Oil.baby.. get ready to go! Lol
Oh God, Clary sage stinks aswell ugh.. so gross
EPO if you are putting them up your foo foo they say to do it before you go to bed.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]applied directly to the cervix at full term (36 weeks). The general recommendation is two 500mg capsules per day until week 38, at which time you increase to 3-4 per day. The entire capsule can be inserted vaginally (inserted just before bed, it will dissolve before the first time you wake to use the bathroom), or you can use the oil on your fingers for your perineal massage, then also rub on your cervix (assuming you can reach it). Applying directly to the cervix is optimal, but the beneficial ingredients are absorbed through the external skin or the stomach also. [/FONT]
Ok I now know why they use clary sage oil for relaxation.. i feel a bit sleepy-drunk LOL

ty for the info on EPO
Ooh I miss the sleepy-drunk feeling, maybe I'll have to get me some of that clary-sage :p
I want to use EPO so may invest later on. Hopefully it does work :) x
what do u do with the clary sage? that might be good for me at night
I just had my first cup of raspberry leaf tea. I'm not a tea drinker, so can't say I enjoyed it - pulling faces seemed to help get through it. Actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...although how much of this stuff do I need to drink? lol

I was going to buy EPO but I'm a veggie and can't seem to find any that aren't made with gelatine, so looks like I'll have to give that one a miss.

I've also got clary sage on standby, not sure if I'm ready to use it yet as it's supposed to be quite potent. Best get the house tidied first, you know, just in case!

What's black cohosh?
Clary sage is an essential oil, so you can put it in the bath, or put a couple drops in a jar candle or just on a hankie next to you or something.. It is VERY strong.. At first you dont realise it but its knocked me on my ass completely, couldnt stay awake atall between the candle and the bath, right pain cause I need to nip out in a few LOL

Black Cohosh.. its a herbal supplement thingie.. Theres blue and black and it works best if you take both.. Blue is especially to increase the strengthe of contractions.. cant remember off the top of my head what the black one does, I think its cervix stuff.. (Wow my brain is not working with the smell of clary sage still around LOL) but yeah saw it recomended a lot for kicking off labour!
Just another note..

Clary Sage does not smell good.

You do kinda get used to it.. But its still not the most pleasant scent to have wafting around the house.. It kind of smells like cold wet tea bags that are burning. (ever burnt tea leaves?)
Indigo - you can get RLT capsules from holland +barratt, much easier than trying to drink the tea if you don't like :)
the women in holland n barrett wouldnt let me open the clary sage oil.... but when she popped off to serve some1 else i sniffed it n OH MY GOD it stinks how are u still living in the house woman!??!! lol

im having 4 EPO (mine are 500mg each) and 6 RLT tablets (400mg each) per day, only been doing it for 10 days, but no signs, increase in BH but thats it, silly baby doesnt understand "ITS TIME TO COME OUT!!"


Honestly you get used to it really fast, its still not pleasant, just smells like old wet teabags now LOL
I havent bothered with raspberry leaf tea, toning the uterus might make contrations more effective.. but it doesnt encourage them so not bothered LOL
I think you need to read up on that cohosh stuff , and be careful theres lots of warnings out there Hun X
Ive had a read up on it just had a mind blank earlier lol, And asked the midwife this morning before I bought it if it was ok to try, and she said there is more risk with the blue and she personally thought i shouldnt try that, but the black was ok as long as i didnt ignore the instructions on the bottle, Also she said to take the capsules instead of the tincture, as that can be more potent and dangerous as its easy to do too many drops etc.
Hey hun

How do you do the accupressure on your calf?

Hey hun

How do you do the accupressure on your calf?



To find the right spot, you need to measure four fingerwidths up from the knobbly bone in your ankle (measure from the edge not the middle) on the INSIDE if your calf. The spot is just next to the edge of your shin bone, if you press your thumb there it should feel almost like pressing a bruise, if not, adjust the position slightly till you find the tender spot. Then you can either apply constant pressure, or rub circles on that spot for 30-60 seconds at a time, with a 1-2 minutes break inbetween. Depending on how tender/difficult you find it.

Personally I would suggest finding the spot while sitting on a couch or something, feet on the floor, then once you have found the spot, sit back and put your foot up on the opposite knee so that you can apply the pressure, without scrunching over bump, because that gets sore!

Make sure you do both sides equally, the recomendation I had was to swap between the two for half an hour at a time.

There is another pressure point on your hand that you can use, on the webbing between your forefinger and thumb, It is very far back in that V, and up toward the forefinger bone in your hand. Again you want to adjust a little till you find the tender spot, and you do the same as your calf.
thanks hun, are they meant to start contractions??

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