Is it worth still trying to get this baby out???


Active Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Im 39 weeks, 2 cm dialated been having pains on and off for 2 weeks. So far i have done non stop walking, the non stop sex lol. Couldnt manage the raspberry leaf tea lol. I had a clary sage oil bath yesterday but wasnt too sure if i done it right.
Went midwife today and she said its normal to be dialtated. I think im just being very impatient but have hd enough now.
Is it worth trying the clary sage bath again in a bit?
What is the correct way to do this. Do i have to make sure bump is completely covered.
Gem xx
No advice on the bath hun. It was weeks of BH and tightenings before i had my first - he was 16 days late in the end! Do you have another sweep booked?
It is normal to be 2cm when it's not your first. It's called a 'multip os' and you can be like that for weeks before labour starts.

In my experience your baby will make it's appearance when you are at your most relaxed so I'd say stop trying to make it come, relax and the labour hormones will be able to come naturally :)
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I agree with MM.. I done E V E R Y T H I N G, I was in slow labour for a week, contractions and all, but nothing would shift Odhrán.. Once I listened to the girls and resigned myself to the fact that he would come when he was ready I went into labour :lol: I now really believe relaxation plays a big part.. I hope things hurry along for you xxxxx
it also explains why loads of ladies go into labour the day they are due to be induced ;) Its like their heads go 'oh well getting induced later anyway' and then it all happens!
Yea I was in slow labour for a month with issabelle at 3-4 cm dialated (first baby) and it wast nice but I did everyting curry, hot baths. Sex, oral, nipple stimulation - effective but very uncomfortable wouldn't reckomend it lol!, walking and walking and walking, stairs, squats, so many pineapple my tounge was red raw lol and I was still induced a month late and had a emergency section with her with zander I was all I will do this and this then when my due date passed I was like ah I can't be arsed went Ito slow labour on my due date and had hom three days later x

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