midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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hiya ladies, got my first midwife appointment 2morro, just wondering what to expect. is it true they listen for the heartbeat? and is the first appointment with m.w when i get my first scan date? im 8 weeks and im anxious to see my bubs waving at me! lol
At 8 weeks it's a booking in appointment, they will go through your health background and your OH/DH's. You'll get to ask questions and have lots of information given to you. They won't listen for the heartbeat as it's too early to hear it, you would see it though if you had an early internal scan done - these are usually for ladies with a history of miscarriages or fertility patients though (or those who had a difficult previous pregnancy etc). They don't tend to listen for the heartbeat till your around the 16-20 week marker. You should have your first scan around 12 weeks so another month to wait I'm afraid. Early scans are usually only if you start bleeding or like I said ladies with histories of m/c or previous complications in other pregnancies etc. You'll have your blood pressure taken, your urine will be tested and you'll be either asked for (or sent to the blood department) to have your blood tested for various bits and bobs - these are repeated at 28 weeks. I can't think what else my first appointment was to be honest, lots of stuff but nothing at the same time if that makes sense. Midwives dont seem to get too excited about a pregnancy untill you pass the 30 week marker incase something goes wrong etc. Enjoy being pregnant, the appointments seem miles apart to start with but soon pick up the pace when you add in the scans and later tests etc!!
thanks, i like to know what to expect! lol I'm hoping i'll have a scan earlier than 12 weeks as i m/c in april and have had spotting during this one, think everythings ok cos i still have the syptoms and i duno can just kinda tell if u know what i mean, but it wud put my mind at ease. thanks for the info x
If your having your appointment at the GP surgery you won't get a scan that day, if it's at the hospital you might get lucky if they are not busy. If you do get refered for an early scan now you might not get the official 12 week one if everything is ok, I mean if they offered you an early scan at 9 weeks your more likely to 'miss' the 12 week scan and be booked in for the 20 week scan as normal. You would most likely only have an earlier scan then the 12 week scan if they thought something wasn't right.

Does that make sense?
yeh, well then hoepfully i wont need one! im probably just being impatient, im not the most patient of people in the world! and i worry too much, god helps bubs when he/she arrives lol
I'm the worlds most impatient person.
Thankfully I've got to the 33/34 week stage fairly quickly.
Have to say these past few weeks though are dragging big time.
Desperate for LO to arrive now....the next 5 or so will drive me insane!! :wall:
yeh i think those last few weeks will be the worst for me too, i plan on working at least part time til just b4 xmas if i can so when i leave work time will drag like anything! i hope everything goes alrite for you wen LO decides to say hello to the world! take care hun x

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