first midwife appointment


Dec 7, 2011
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Hi all i have my first miswife appointment on the 10th Jan, and i will be 11weeks 3,
just want to know what to expect? as i have heard many different things.
Is it true the listen to the babies heartbeat?
will they book me in for my first scn then as i will be nearlt 12 weeks?
confused :eh:
Hey Sallie, I literally just had mine....they didn't listen to the babies heartbeat, she just asked a lot of questions (e.g. Height, weight, smoker/drinker? Familiy medical history, ethnic background etc.) and filled in forms.

The midwife tried to take blood but couldn't so I have to go back for blood tests which are testing for sickle cell, HIV etc.

I have to send off a form to book me in for our 12 week scan, it varies from area to area.

Have mine on thursday, so wandering the same! lol x
hi hun, I had mine today and it's just as karate kid explained above.. however midwife said something bout a 10 week scan? me and hubby were confused as I thought u have it at 12 weeks?? and they'll ask for a urine test, either way we're very excited to see our lil un for the first time :D

You'll get a bounty pregnancy pack with lots of info to do with pregnancy etc and useful contact numbers etc... this is great time to ask any questions you may have.. hope this helps xx
sorry forgot to mention, my midwife will get my scan booked, also got info about having a screening test for Down syndrome...but I guess it just depends on where you live xxx
ooo im intertested too, had my first docs today, she took my blood pressure, check my heartbeat, poke around my belly a lil and asked if i smoked etc. im phoning midwife tomoz to book my appt was too late after my appointment had finished. i heard bout listening to heart beat at 10 weeks too, im going to request it if its not normal procedure in my area, hopefully they will be nice enough to do it :) im excited ekkkk xxx im interested in an early scan they are 50 but will ask midwife about it before i book :)

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