first midwife appointment


Dec 7, 2011
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Hi all i have my first miswife appointment on the 10th Jan, and i will be 11weeks 3,
just want to know what to expect? as i have heard many different things.
Is it true the listen to the babies heartbeat?
will they book me in for my first scan then as i will be nearly 12 weeks?
confused :eh:
she will take you and the fathers details, ask about your health and family health, any previous pregnacies or mc to determine if you are a low risk pregnancy or not,

she will do your bloods and blood pressure, make sure you take wee sample as they check this every appointment for infections, sugar and protein levels

you wont listen to baby as its too ealy and she may not be able to find it- this is done at your 16 week appointment

she will then get the hospital to send you an appointment in the post for your scan, dont wrry you dont have to be dead on 12 weeks for a scan its done between 11-14 weeks xx
At my booking appointment she came out to my house at 11+6 and went through all my history. She also booked my scan for 12+2. She didn't listen to the heartbeat, it wasn't until my 16 week appointment that the midwife started listening in xx
Hi Hun, I had my booking in appt today and like the girls said she asks loads of questions about you and your other half. I didn't need a urine sample today but she gave me a pot to do a fmu one to drop in to test for urine infections and another tube to take a sample when I see her at 16 weeks. She also took some blood to test for loads of different things and then she sends off your details to get a scan date through. Xx
Oh and forgot to say they ont listen to heartbeat and she also told me thy don't do it t 16 weeks as sometimes they can't find it and it causes unessecary worry. This could differ in diff areas tho xx

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