Midwife Appointment :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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Had an appointment with my midwife this morning, following the growth scan I had on Friday because growth had tailed off. At the scan they said baby was measuring small for 35 weeks, but didn't refer me or anything just said there was probably nothing to worry about. They left us feeling really worried and with no answers.

Anyway Midwife today said why on earth hadn't they referred me to the consultant! She said the placenta might not be working properly as growth has slowed so much. So have got an urgent consultant appt for Friday and have been booked for another growth scan in two weeks.
She said if I get any change in movement contact Labour ward straight away.

Safe to say I'm really worried now :( anyone else had any experience of this sort of thing? what happened?

Just want my baby here safely asap! x

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Hunny we were shocked when Albert was only 6lb, we were told he would be bigger but he was still very healthy. Thankfully your mw is on the ball and is covering all bases. Try not to worry too much, stress won't help you. Little babies make up for it quickly, Albert doubled his birth weight in 11 weeks xxxxxxxxx
Sorry you going through this - I have no advice, but it's probably more of a precaution than anything and at least you get to see baby again! :hugs:
She just wants your baby here safe too hon, that's why she's done this. I'm sure she didn't mean to alarm you, but it's just with you and LO in mind that she's being cautious. Don't worry, I'm sure growth will pick up and you'll be fine. She'll maybe request a scan with a cord blood check and fluid check, which is what they did with me. All was fine and I'm sure it will be for you too xx
Baby brain, thanks thats reassuring to hear :-). Frankie true hopefully they actually show me baby this time!
Leesey Im pleased she's being thorough, she seems so caring and on the ball which helps.
Just gonna see what consultant says Friday, baby is moving lots as usual so I'm happy enough with that :-) & got our first ante-natal class tonight to x

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I'm sure all is fine hun, they just like to be cautious. Let us know how you get on with the consultant :) x x
I'm sure it will be fine Em they are just being thorough, try not to stress yourself out. x
em, i'm going through same thing and have been having growth scans every 2 weeks. i'm trying not to worry as they said exactly same with my dd and she weighed 8lb 10oz at birth!!!!

clara x
em, i'm going through same thing and have been having growth scans every 2 weeks. i'm trying not to worry as they said exactly same with my dd and she weighed 8lb 10oz at birth!!!!

clara x
Its scary isn't it? reassuring to hear your dd ended up 8lb though!
How far gone are you? can't see tickers on my phone x

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Got my consultant appointment at 11, hoping she will give me some more answers! x

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Hope it goes well, I'm sure all will be ok xx
Well that was pointless!! She looked at chart said, hmm yes baby looks small, see what scan shows... After waiting 45mins I was less than impressed! x

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Well that was pointless!! She looked at chart said, hmm yes baby looks small, see what scan shows... After waiting 45mins I was less than impressed! x

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Sorry you didn't get any more answers, lets hope the scan sheds some more light on the situation!! Seems like we spend pregnancy waiting around an age!!! xx

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