midwife app / diet coke

I would have between 1-3 glasses a day, mostly average at 1-2 though as some days don't have any. It is stressful! I have not eaten anything else I shouldn't have as far as I know. See now I'm worried about this other chemical :-(
Seems like its just water and dry bread for me!
Ok so seen midwife today, she looked at my notes (new midwife, I just moved) and went to feel bump. She commented on how big it was and asked her student girl to check dates on notes and she had a feel too. So she said I need to cut down on sugar as I could have diabetes. Got upset and said I feel bad like I've been overeating made him huge and sugary (my diet hasn't been that bad!)
She said cut down on sugar and no coke, so I said well diet is ok right?
She says no absolutley no diet coke too much caffine. I cried. I have been drinking loads of it, lidl own diet, its what I've craved , I don't drink tea or any hot drinks and well nothing other than diet coke and water. So upset I hadn't been told.
I've been so so upset that bf done some research, I can have 200mg a day. Brand diet coke has 30mg is per can, and my beloved lidl rubbish is trace in huge bottle.

So what do you girls think about my coke?
And I'm worried about massive baby , any ideas / experiences?
Feeling pretty low :-(

As part of my diet given to me in the fertility clinic I'm not allowed caffeine, I asked could I have caffeeine free coke and the nurse said yep!!! Check it out might help your craving!!
Diet coke contains aspartame in it, as a substitute for sugar, which isn't good for you and can give you headaches etc. If your Midwife has told you not to, then I wouldn't, she is a professional afterall and knows what she's saying. Having a glass now and then would probably be ok, but it sounds as if she has reason to tell you not to.
Drinking too much caffeine is said to have the opposite effect on the baby. It can lead to small birth weights not large ones. How much are you drinking? Unless you are packing away 2ltrs a day I wouldn't worry too much.

i agree with this my midwife told me all coke versions have an affect on the baby which can make them small not big so i wouldnt worry bout ur baby being huge coz of ur diet, with my first i went off coke in pregnancy was told baby was gonna be small at around 3-4lb and he was 6lb 13oz i drank coke with my 2nd as i was not told i couldnt have it was still measuring small and he weighed in at 7lb 10oz and im pregnant this time and not been told i cant have it but to cut down to so many mg a day gotta have growth scans again as precaution for being under consultant care!! but i dont see it having an affect on my baby weight, he either gonna be tiny or average if i dont drink coke then there is nothing else i can drink as everything else makes me sick so im sticking with it :)
Ok so seen midwife today, she looked at my notes (new midwife, I just moved) and went to feel bump. She commented on how big it was and asked her student girl to check dates on notes and she had a feel too. So she said I need to cut down on sugar as I could have diabetes. Got upset and said I feel bad like I've been overeating made him huge and sugary (my diet hasn't been that bad!)
She said cut down on sugar and no coke, so I said well diet is ok right?
She says no absolutley no diet coke too much caffine. I cried. I have been drinking loads of it, lidl own diet, its what I've craved , I don't drink tea or any hot drinks and well nothing other than diet coke and water. So upset I hadn't been told.
I've been so so upset that bf done some research, I can have 200mg a day. Brand diet coke has 30mg is per can, and my beloved lidl rubbish is trace in huge bottle.

So what do you girls think about my coke?
And I'm worried about massive baby , any ideas / experiences?
Feeling pretty low :-(

As part of my diet given to me in the fertility clinic I'm not allowed caffeine, I asked could I have caffeeine free coke and the nurse said yep!!! Check it out might help your craving!!

Was the caffeine the problem or the sugars? It just amazes me how nurses/midwives have changed over the years, when I had my 1st boy there was none of this " you can't have this you can't have that" as long as you had plenty of fruit and veg they where happy. I was also told to much milk is not good and it was my consultant told me that one!! Years ago it was drink plenty of milk god only knows what it will be in another 20yrs!!
Well she was talking about sugars when reffering to my bump size, so she was saying no coke for high sugar, I said what about diet she said no none too much caffine. I'm so confused! I'm just cutting right back, had none today and cutting back on everything else , just gonna eat homemade veg soup
aww hun it would take a lot more than a few bottles of coke to harm your baby - just have everything in moderation. I think that we all worry but just think about it years ago there was none of this 'you cant eat this you cant drink that' malarkey and we all turned out ok :-)

dont worry your baby will be fine xx
Yeah I agree with the above comment, I've been eating loads of stuff with sugar in it i'e chocolate, loads of sweet stuff etc and my bubs is fine in there, wouldn't worry too much xxx
What is that about milk!!!??? Bugger!!! Been drinking loads more than normal!! Thought the calcium would be good for me!!
I've started to have hot milk at night because it says online that it can make you not sleep at night if your not getting enough calcium, but I dont have much milk in my diet anyway so it probably will do me good!! xx
See its all confusing, I don't drink any milk at all, so eat yogurts and cottage cheese for calcium. I thought milk would have been on the good list
See its all confusing, I don't drink any milk at all, so eat yogurts and cottage cheese for calcium. I thought milk would have been on the good list

So did I !!! My consultant told me not to have dairy to try soya, it was hard at the start but I don't mind it now, he told me what ever enzymes live in dairy can contribute to early mc !!! I was totally confused because when I was expecting my son ( mind you that was 20yrs ago) I had loads of milk, cheese & yogurt. How times have changed. I'm in the Napro Technology clinic, Dr Boyle is my consultant he is very well known in USA & Europe. How times have changed!! But I'm doing everything I'm told to achieve my goal, "BFP"
I am not a fan of cheese or milk on its own and barely eat yogurts so my calcium intake isn't very high on that front. Probably why I crave cheese have done both times I usually have a pizza hehe.

I am drinking diet lemonade now and again as I know I can't drink too much diet coke/pepsi etc for caffine x I barely eat sugar as I am diabetic when pregnant so myabe thats why my first baby was under 7lb :) was truely expecting an 8lber but I knew he was small as I had a scan on placenta at 32 weeks as he hadn't gained much weight in between scans x All was fine though. Bit I put it down to all the medication to stabilise my sugar levels insulin etc and the fact I barely ate sugar I did have the sneaky treat now and again. x
Ok so a few of you have mentioned little babies being linked with diabetes, so why when I meausred big did she mention it?
Its because if your not diaginosed then you have the chance of having a huge baby as they are under pressure from the high sugar levels in your blood. It in turn make them pile on weight as their little bodys can't process it. x

If you have it diaginosed early and manage your blood levels your sugar is that to a normal person so less chance of big baby x
Try not to worry Hun! I am a diet coke addict and although when I was pregnant I tried to cut down, I still really wanted it so I researched and researched and the odd can won't do any harm but like the girls said, do it in moderation and try to replace with other drinks.. I'm not preg now and panic when I can't get a diet coke lol it's awful so I'm feeling your pain as I know the pregnancy is making you crave it more xx
Please dont worry im having a big baby (above the chart) and my GTT came back clear, i have hardly eaten since becoming pregnant but the doctor said some babies just want to be big and there is no stopping them!
However even tho the baby is big (measuring 41wk at 38) and above the 95th percentile on the growth scan, im still having a natural birth the only difference is they dont want me to go too overdue so will get induced IF i go over. And even then induction doesn't mean a c section so please dont get yourself worked up even if its big. xx
Thank you redbear this has reassured me! I will be keeping an eye out for your labour thread, hope it goes well for you x
Thank you :)
I know when i was first told i was having a big baby i googled and got all sorts of stories back that made me worry, but im with a brilliant consultant now who is very happy for things to go just like normal, She also said it could be a tall baby so big bump doesnt mean big it could be tall.
There are women who measure normal all the way through so dont get growth scans and end up with a big baby and they are fine.
And your doctor shouldn't be blaming you for your baby getting big if it does it could all be natural and nothing to do with what you eat (like mine) and even if it is there are ways to control it and its still not your falt!! You can't control how much the baby takes through the placenta!
I will make a labour thread asap when i get home - if this baby gets out of me!! xx
That makes sense! Thank you :-)

And also just to add, my oh bought me some robinsons sugar free squash, as this is the only other drink apart from water and coke, (and alcohol lol) but looked at the label for laughs and lo and behold there is aspartme or however you spell it. So I'm cutting back on sugar, so diet drinks, but alll diet drinks have a no-no ingredient. So I am on water. I will drink water, but its depressing all the time :-(

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