Mid September 2ww

I'm getting some pains on my left side now and just had a small bit of pink when I went to the loo :( xx
Awww Kanga.

Try not to overthink it if it was only a small amount.


Tomorrows a new day with more fmu to look forward to! Lol!
Ok thank u cupcake, just so emotional this 2ww!

I will be definitely poas tomorrow morning :) xx
It's bound to be a hard month for you this time babe. X

We're here whatever happens.

We'll all get exactly the baby we're meant to have at exactly the time we're meant to have them. Xxx
Morning girls!!!

Well i'm not sure i want to test this morning. I kinda don't wanna be deflated when it's a bfn.

I may jus sit tight till saturday and if no sign of the witch i will test.

How's everyone else doing this lovely morning??

Morning Kred.

I understand not testing.

I did today (bfn although in some lights I feel like I can see the merest of a hint but I think it's wishful thinking) so I'm going to wait until Friday.

I also did an opk which was super negative.

Photo for anyone who likes looking at - tests. Lol.

It's crap isn't it?

I know deep down that there'd be a line by now if i was pg. I got a line at cd27 last time :(

Awww don't write yourself off babe.

You aren't out until AF comes and every pregnancy is different. Xxx
Dear Body,

I don't mind getting bfns even if it's for a few months as we've only just started TTC and expecting anything the first month is unrealistic.

But please don't get my hopes up with crazy symptoms!!

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C
Dear Body,

My sincere apologies for polluting you with the depo provera injection.

However, it is now out of your system so please do feel free in making a sticky bean.


I know i'm not out till the witch arrives, but i got a few af type cramps last night :)

I'm feeling very deflated today, got another bfn!! Don't understand how I got a pos one at 8dpo and now nothing!! I know I'm not out til the witch shows and I didn't get my last pos test til after AF was due, but was hoping getting an early BFP would mean a sticky bean than last time!

I also had a temp drop this morning of 0.3 degrees so not hopeful at all. I suppose got to wait and see what tomorrow brings!! Xx
I too am getting a bit disheartened ladies. BFN this morning, and I KNOW it's only 11dpo but come on!! My boobs have been sore for nearly a week now, if hormones were able to do that I would hope for at least a faint bfp.

Maybe it is just all in my head, and it's a MASSIVE coincedence that we all have the same. A massive cruel coincedence.


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I bailed and tested.

Just as i thought :bfn:

Mega af cramps this morning thou :(

Oh well ladies.

Let's all be strong and wait until Friday together. Xx

I'm getting AF-y cramps this morning. :(


I tell you what though when the witch does come I'm having a massive f-ing coffee!!!
I've just had a look on my phone, i have an app for tracking AF.

That says AF due sun, not sat, so maybe i'm a day behind what i think?

What do we reckon ladies?

Or am i jus getting my hopes up agin?

I have a period app. This is what mine says today:


But then that's based on OVing 5 days earlier than I did.

So who knows what's going on!!

AF cramps aren't getting any better.

Kinda scared of going to the loo incase it's here. :(
I've put my dates into a few on the net and they all say sat. The same info is on my phone app yet that says sun!

Arghh confused.com!


P.s - Have you just come off any contraception?

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