Mid September 2ww

Here's todays, still clearly a negative but I keep thinking I see shadows. I stare at it like it's one of those 3d pictures that make your eyes crossed :p


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Haha. That's how I stare at mine Leesey!

Mine was identical to yours. :)
i sit and stare at it for ages, tilting, holding it against the window to see through it, squinting the lot, then keep going back to it!! I know u arent supposed to read them after a certain time, but i keep hoping something appears, lol :) xx
i sit and stare at it for ages, tilting, holding it against the window to see through it, squinting the lot, then keep going back to it!! I know u arent supposed to read them after a certain time, but i keep hoping something appears, lol :) xx


I'm all out of the one step ones now, so I'm using the other internet cheapie ones (unbranded), hope they're still good!!

I nearly bought a FRER in tesco tonight but decided to wait a couple of days, too impatient!!
I jus used my last cheapie strip too. Bfn!

I only have the expensive stock left.... 1x superdrug, 1x tesco, 1x frer and 1 tesco digi :shock:

£25 spent today, £13 on sunday.....Oh shit! Thats quite alot ain't it??? Ooops!

Kanga I agree about the looking after a certain time.

When I got home from work at 6 today I checked my IC from 7am.....


I've only got 5 cheapies. Then 1 tesco and 2 cb digis on their way in the post.

I'm only allowing myself cheapies until the weekend!!!
Hmmmm..... I'm seriously getting the feeling of impending witchiness.

Sorry guys, I'm still new. What does FRER mean? Went to the gym this evening for the first time in 2WW - BIG mistake!! Nearly passed out from dizziness but that is probably down to the class not me being preggers.....
Hey Tara,

FRER = First Response Early Result (tells you upto 6 days before AF)

Urgh ladies. :(

I've got quite bad AF like cramps. :(

I don't want it to be the stupid witch. :'(
Like they say hun, you're not out until the witch appears!! I've had some cramps today too and my boobs hurt when poked. Think it's the witch but trying to stay chilled and keeping my fingers tightly crossed. Fx for us all xxx
But do you not think it's odd that none of us are due til the weekend and yet we're getting AF cramps and periody feelings?
I know I never get them that early!!
... and I got another BFN ten minutes ago.

Still squinting, but don't know if it's these new thinner ICs that make it harder to read properly!! I thought I saw something quite far to the left but totally imagining it I'm sure.


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But do you not think it's odd that none of us are due til the weekend and yet we're getting AF cramps and periody feelings?
I know I never get them that early!!

Yeah. I did think it was super early but then I OVd late so really AF is due tomorrow if I'd have OVd on time.

But I also normally have spotting before AF and nothing at all so far.

Also - tmi warning - I tried to check my cervix but it was so dry down there I couldn't!!! Never experienced anything like it!!
Oooh Leesey I think I see what you mean!!!

Looking forward to a fmu test!!!
i never get any feelings of impending witch until the day before or on the day!! Feeling a bit deflated this evening not sure why, stupid bfn's! if the witch appears this weekend im gonna try and not test early next time, it is far to stressful. i know i will probably not stick to that statement though :)

I have 3 cb digi's and about 12 ic's! which i know will be gone in no time! I did have a another cb digi and an asda test but used them tonight, both bfn's, not even sure why i did them my pee wasnt even that strong!!! xx
wow leesey i see a second line? :) fx for fmu!! xx

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