meet the "minion" :D :D :D

Fab hon! Hope you can relax now And enjoy your pregnancy!

Cute pic! Xxx
Aww so happy for you hun! See, all that worrying for nothing :) what a fab pic too its really clear. YAY! :D xxx
Such a lovely pic - you lucky thing!! xxx
I bet it is a huge relief hun, and you'll go through it all over again in about 8 weeks time LOL!


Yep sure will Carnat but I think I will be more relaxed next time. Have actually been asked to be a guinea pig for the student midwives/sonographers on Friday again which means get to see minion and get more piccies YAY xxxxxx

That's a lovely pic and glad you and hubby are both happy and relaxed now. Love the fact that you call he/she minion... what inspired it?

Thanks peapod

The reaosn behind minion was a bit misunderstood by me to start with as hubby was actually calling me it. I love the film Despicable Me which is full of minions and hubby does an impression of them which makles me giggle so much. So when he started saying minion I thought he meant baby but he actually meant me but its kinda stuck with the baby now haha xx

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