
benjis mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Just wondering where does the midwife measure when measuring bump? Is it top if bump to pubic bone or across tummy? Obviously I was measured with Ben but can't remember how it was done!

Its top of bump to pubic bone hun xx
mmmmm just did a measurement (I know I probably should just leave it to the experts but......) and i measured 34cm, i'm only 27 weeks!!!! That doesn't sound right does it??
no it doesnt but they do it from the top of the utrerus? I know i am measuring big but thats coz i have GD xx I would leave it to the experts hun x
Not seeing midwife for another 10 days or so and everyone keeps saying how big I am so was just intrigued. How was your GD diagnosed? Did you feel different or was it just through a blood test?
It was through a blood test hun.. I honestly didnt know i had it at all, tbh i never thought anything of th test xx
Several people have commented how big I am and asked if I've been tested. I'm sure my midwife said she would be doing more bloods at my next appointment so I guess she'll say if she thinks there is a problem.
Yeah if you have concerns i would defo speak to your mw hun xx
Top of bump is where bump meets top abdominal muscles under breasts down to pubic bone :)
Speak to your midwife hunny, at 38 weeks my bump was measuring 46cms, they sent me for a growth scan to check my levels of waters. Let us know how you get on x x
The midwife had a good feel of my belly before she measured so i think its to find where the top is.. but im abig lass so maybe trying to fight with my flab lmao! It can just be a lot of water if your big i wouldn't worry just ask the midwife if she thinks your big. Some people say mine is big some say small but im measuring two weeks ahead so :S x

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