

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Lizzie is doing really well with weaning and can pretty much chew anything I give her but she's really not getting to grips with meat. I've given her chicken a few times and she just gets it stuck to the roof of her mouth and then spits it out. I've stopped pureeing her food but do you reckon I should puree the meat to go in the mashed veg or just hope she'll learn to chew it and not choke?
What other meat can I give her? I'm a bit clueless about this, fruit and veg seems so easy in comparison!
What do your LOs have?
We had chicken, peas, sweetcorn and carrots with new potatoes the other night for tea. There was some left so I just mashed it with a fork and put a little water in it and gave it to the boys. They loved it :) As for other meat I have made cottage pie and spag bol and they have eaten that mashed. The wee man eats anything but the big man tends to spit out I just perservere :lol:
Completely forgot about mince! I don't really buy/eat much meat so didn't really know where to start. Will try spag bol though :)
Isla does ok with chicken. The only other meat she's had is bacon and ham - cut up into tiny pieces!

I am vegetarian and eat a lot of quorn so she has had veggie bolognese etc which goes down well!
my Lo has chicken, mince, lots of fish, tried him with sausage balls made with them all pork sausages u can get, lamb beef, pretty much all ur usual ones ! he likes them all to varying degrees. chicken fish and beef seem faves whether minced or i made a beef casserole he loved it cos i cooked it for so long the meat just melted ! x
I used to shred the chicken with a fork which helped zac get used to it x
The only meat I've tried is sausage and chicken. Was gonna try beef the other day but wasn't sure how to make it little enough!

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