Measuring too large - anyone else had this?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
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hello ladies,
I'm new to tri3 and went to my 28 midwife appointment today. I was measuring 3 wks too big last time and again today so am going for a growth scan tomorow.

I'm hoping it's just water but has anyone else had this or got any info?

thanks :confused:
I did a post about this yesterday in tri2. I think there are a few girls who's measurements have been off and they re-assured me yesterday cos I measured 1cm over the expected size. Go check it out, it'll make you feel better. I think the thread called fundal measurement or something x
I measured 4cm too big around 30 weeks, had a growth scan and he was bang on centre percentile, completely average sized!! I still measured 3cm too big the following apt 2 weeks later even tho we knew he was ok, then finally at my last apt I measured exactly right!!! So don't worry too much hon it doesn't always mean something bad.
I measured between 4 and 6 cms big throughout my pregnancy. I had a growth scan and had excess fluid. The baby was also big (9lbs 5ozs when born). But I don't hold much faith in fundal height measurements because whenever I was measured by different people the measurements were completely different. At one point, a junior doctor measured me 5cms different to the consultant who had measured me 30 seconds before him!
ok thanks ladies - guess I just wait and see - bonus is I get to see baby again! lets hope he or she has got their legs crossed though dont want to see too much and lose my team yellow place xx :lol:
bonus is I get to see baby again!

Haha I feel the same way!

I had to have a growth scan at 16 weeks because I was measuring 20cms. The scan didn't give me any answers... There wasn't excess fluid, the baby's growth was normal, placenta was where it should be... The baby's position can affect it, if you think how small a centimetre is, if the baby pushes out a bit while they're measuring, then that can easily add on a cm!

My MW says she's not keen on the whole fundal height measurement thing because it can be so innaccurate, it's just to give them a rough idea.

I had my 36 week appointment on monday (a few days before I'm 36 weeks) and I measured just over 38cms. MW is sending me for a growth scan on thursday. Even though my 16 week one didn't show anything, I moved areas at 28 weeks so my new MW wants to check herself instead of relying on my old notes!

All in all I don't think it's anything you should worry too much about, you have ages for it to all even out, and even if it doesn't even out, it's not likely to be anything serious :)

i dont know anything about this, can anyone say what happens if your to big or to small, what sort of problems are there to you and baby? just being nosy x x

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