Measuring bigger for my dates, who had this experience ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Hi ladies, my little boy keeps misbehaving, I went to see my MW today as they are keeping a close eye on my BP and I was measured as well and they measured 24 cm at nearly 22 weeks, I am having mini GTT but she said they would be more concerned about gestational diabetes if I measure bigger at 28 weeks. Everything looks good on the scans so far.
Just wondering what's everyone's experience?
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I measured big with my first baby but the measurements soon leveled out. I can feel kicks (and the top of my uterus) I reckon a good inch and a half above my belly button at 21 weeks. We're all different and grow at different rates. I think the medical world put us into boxes when we're all different if you know what I mean. x
I am the same, can feel baba way above my belly button, let's hope it levels out soon, I did have a growth spurt recently.
I've popped recently, I am actually bigger than my sister inlaw who is due in 3 weeks (although a larger lady anyway). With my first the midwife was convinced I was further along and I'd already been brought forward a week, but by 28 weeks everything was normal. She was 8lb 7oz when born so not a total whopper!
Jumping in from tri 3 - I've always measured at least 2cm bigger than what its suppose to be. ie i just had my 34 week appointment and I'm measure 36cm. Maybe it will mean I will go 2 weeks earlier than my due date.. :lol:. Midwife said it was nothing to be concerned about though.
Nope I've never measured big...I've just recently been measured and I was 25wks and I measured 24.5cm so pretty accurate, only 0.5cm less but that's hardly nothing! X
I'm 36 weeks and measuring 43!! At 25 weeks, I was measuring 4cms too big so was sent for a growth scan. They found I had too much fluid around the baby.
Since then I consistently measured at least 4cms too big. My baby is bigger than average so my consultant is going to induce me before my due date if they need to.
My MW says she doesn't know why she bothers plotting my growth on the chart as we know I'm big and we know the reasons why.
I don't think they are concerned if you are within a couple of cms, and I don't really trust the fundal height measurements as they come out differently if different people take the measurements.
ooo Im 20 weeks on Wednesday, i havent been measured yet! When are they supposed to measure you?x
I got measured first at my 25wk midwife appointment!
Thanks in thought I was missing out hahax
Hey I measures 32 weeks at my 30 week appoint but this is the only time ive been measured! They didn't measure me before! X
Heya, as you can see I'm 26 weeks, but I'm measuring 29cm's... :/ Midwife laughed and said you're gonna have a big girl... Lol, but I am having extra checks to make sure :) x

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