
Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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It really is one of those weeks haha dunno if I'm just genuinely being paranoid now tho... here goes.

Last night when I got back from hospital I noticed I was having period like pains (not horribly unbearable) and quite a lot of BH. BH are nothing out of the ordinary for me so just let go over my head.

This morning I got in the shower and I swear I felt 2 gushes coming out of my floo. I swear I don't think it was me confusing it with the shower water cuz I'd stepped out from under the shower when this happened (I was leaving my conditioner in for a bit lol). Anyway I got out and got dry, was just about to get dressed when I felt liquid coming out, it was cloudy white liquid and coming down my legs :O not a massive amount but there was definitely no way it was urine or discharge. I've just put a pad on to see if anything else comes out - does this sound like fluid leaking??

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sorry hun can't answer that, but if it is leaking fluid, it'll keep coming, don't think anything else keeps coming, and from what i've read fluid doesn't smell, so if you notice it does, it was prob something else.

If it continues, call your mw for advice.
It does sound like fluid to me, best get checked. What a week your having, keep us posted x
Aww really does sound like you're going through it at the moment! If your worried hun call your midwife, it doesn't matter how many other times you've called them for something that is what they are there for. It's not like you're calling them for the sake of it so please don't worry about wasting their time or anything. It's always better to be safe than sorry where you and baby are concerned. Hope you're okay :) xxx
I called the MW and because the pad wasnt soaked and the trickling seems to have gone she doesnt think its fluid but said to keep and eye on it. So nothing to report so far :P thanks for msgs xxx
Well I put the same question on a different forum and everyones saying I should go straight to docs because apparently you can just feel a trickle and nothing else because the babys head can act as a plug?! or something like that. eek! Gonna ring hosp just be on safe side x
Looks like I'm off to fetal assessment again! I'll keep you updated girls xx
I'm surprised they didn't get u in the first time u called tbh..
At least you'll know for sure and it will put ur mind at rest I'm glad your going to get checked out good luck xxx
I spoke to my MW first tho and shes useless lol. False alarm girls, they couldnt pinpoint what exactly it was but defo not waters :D xx

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