MC at 5 weeks, what should i expect?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
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Hi Ladies,

I'm supposed to be 5wks 1day today, but i started bleeding last night. Not enough to touch a pad, but its a red colour and its had the odd tiny blood clot in it. I've read that i should be experiencing period type cramps but more intense? I'm not getting these, just a dull ache but i do have a backache.

when will the full bleeding start and the cramping?
Hi baby.3 I really hope it isn’t a miscarriage and it’s just harmless bleeding (fingers crossed for you) but my experience of MC was that I didn’t get full flow bleeding until about 3 days after spotting started, just after spotting starting I was getting constant dull ache in my lower back, it was uncomfortable enough to need painkillers, then when the full flow and big clots started that’s when I was getting strong cramps at the front too where you would normally get period pain, sending you hugs, take care of yourself
Thank you for the reply night owl.

I've also had strong lower backache that I've had to take painkillers for. Had blood results from doctor (which where drawn at 4wks 4days, before bleeding started) and my hcg is very low at 36. Have to have them repeated tomorrow.

So if I started spotting on Sunday. I couldn't expect full flow by Wednesday? Sorry if this is seems an insensitive question. But when you miscarried was it just pink/red blood you lost. As I've just been for a pee and it more red/brown blood.

I'm suppose im to clutch at straws that it might be OK, when in reality I know this is the end of my pregnancy :(


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It’s ok it’s not an insensitive question at all, I’m happy to share my experience and I know how it feels to just need answers, my spotting was really dark brown when it started, that carried on for a few days then it went dark red when the full flow started a few days later I think everyone’s body deals with it differently, mine was a bit unusual in that no embryo had developed at all I just had an empty pregnancy sac measuring about 6 weeks but I didn’t know that until I started the spotting at 10 weeks and went for a scan, then it was kind of like my body realised it should have dealt with this weeks ago and the full MC started then, the lower back ache for me definitely felt wrong and I knew from that and the spotting what was going on,

Best thing to do is see what happens over next few days, I know how dreadful it is just having to wait and see what happens though, I do feel for you and will be keeping my fingers crossed
Hi baby 3, I was a little over 5 weeks when I had my loss, and it really wasn't so bad (physically). Emotionally and mentally it destroyed me, but physically it was quite bearable, like a heavy period and the cramping was barely noticeable. I hope this is easy on you, I am so sorry.
Oh, and the heavy bleeding started the day after my hcg was 21, so probably it dropped below 10 and then I started bleeding heavily (after about 3 days of spotting).

Thank you for the replies. Doctor confirmed my hcg was only 36 last thursday, going back in tomorrow to get them checked again. Bleeding has now stepped up a gear, lost a substantial blood clot also. Pains are comparable to a regular period, bleeding isn't far behind that either. Going tomorrow purely to check levels are back below 5, which I fully expect them to be.

Will also make an appointment with GP to discuss potential issues that may be causing the miscarriages. I'm worried my eggs are no good :(

Again, thank you for your replies. It's really appreciated xx

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Thanks knoll and night owl for answering these questions. I too am sadly experiencing a mc at what should have been 5 weeks and 2 days :cry: I’ve not had any back ache, no period type cramps and although I had bleeding yesterday, today it has subsided and is just brown like the end of a period. I’ve also not seen that I’ve any clots. I got the HCG levels test back today and it was only 10 :-(
Sjf sorry your going through this too :( I wish the outcome was different for you.

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Sjf and baby sorry you are both going through this awful experience, life is just not fair sometimes and there’s no rhyme or reason to it, sending you both hugs and keeping my fingers crossed you get a sticky BFP soon x
I was about 6 weeks. My bleeding was very on and off for weeks. I had bursts of heavy bleeding then spotting.

Hope you are ok

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