May Ovulaters

I'm so excited!!

Today or tomorrow is the day I reckon.

CD13 of 28 and I get a static smiley on CB and my first ever positive on IC after thinking they didn't work on me haha!

Hubby has been away all week he's back tonight so how's that for timing I'm so chuffed!

Let's get :bd:

LOL good luck Alilou! FX for you!

I am just using cheap OPKS but IF I dont get my BFP this cycle then I think I will splash out on CB ones as I thin kthey are more accurate?x

When are you due to test? I missed ovulation last month because of the cheapo ones so I splashed out on a 10 pack of CB dual hormone and used cheapy as a back up and it hey presto they actually worked this time haha.

Fingers crossed for you this month x
I'm so excited!!

Today or tomorrow is the day I reckon.

CD13 of 28 and I get a static smiley on CB and my first ever positive on IC after thinking they didn't work on me haha!

Hubby has been away all week he's back tonight so how's that for timing I'm so chuffed!

Let's get :bd:

LOL good luck Alilou! FX for you!

I am just using cheap OPKS but IF I dont get my BFP this cycle then I think I will splash out on CB ones as I thin kthey are more accurate?x

When are you due to test? I missed ovulation last month because of the cheapo ones so I splashed out on a 10 pack of CB dual hormone and used cheapy as a back up and it hey presto they actually worked this time haha.

Fingers crossed for you this month x

My cycles range from 36-38 days so predicted fertile period from CD15 for a week. I am currently CD 18. As soon as I noticed EWCM on Tuesday I tested and there was only a faint 2nd line. Then the next day another OPK showed an even fainter second line so I am confused! Testing this afternoon again. Its my first proper month using OPKS and already I am frustrated! Managed to BD yesterday and probably again tonight or tomorrow and just wait and see.
Thanks xx
I use cheap ones from Amazon and they are pretty sensitive.
Hello ladies. I do hope you're all well!!
I have a little boy that will be 3 in July and me and my other half are now trying for a 2nd :)
With Freddie (and a previous pregnancy!) I conceived pretty much instantly with both (in the 1st month of trying!) I was just wondering if you all think that this could happen again for me!! I don't wasn't to believe I will get instantly pregnant to be trying for months!! What are the odds do you think!! ��
Hi Shellie :wave: welcome! I think based on your history you might stand a very good chance of conceiving as effortlessly as you have in the past. They say every pregnancy is different so I'm keeping my FX that this time around you will have the same wonderful luck as the previous times. May your TTC journey be a short one :dust:
Thanks Kat. I'm hoping so too!! Thank you for the welcome too!! I used this forum when I conceived Freddie and everyone was just as lovely then!! Xx
Im on cd#3 af... trying for baby#1 for 4 months. I feel very anxious as never been pregnant not sure If I ever will be pregnant. I can't ever imagibe myself being pregnant...anyone else feel like this before they got 1st pregnancy...? I feel like I mut be missing something to not habe caught the egg by noe as I habe clockwork monthlys! Getting so impatient now it's unreal. I am so broody!

I've been trying for baby #1 too for about the same time Alexis!

I think because it seems so alien to us it's hard to actually imagine being pregnant but as time goes on I am saying affirmations and visioning myself being a pregnant and a mother, positive thinking and all that!
Its SO easy to get impatient and frustrated and upset about it,when you seem to be doing everything you can. I pretty much was in floods of tears the last time AF arrived!
FX for our first baby soon xx

Yeah I wanted to cry so bad I was in work when af arrrived this time around and I couldn't. A girl in my work had just told us she was 12 weeks and every day it's all baby chat as everyone has babies apart from me and I am finding it so hard. People are noticing I am upset but I don't want them to know We are trying.I feel like a failure as a women !
Aw Alexis I feel the same its quite hurtful when everyone around you had kids & talking babies and you feel so left out.
I dont want people to know we are trying either as I just dont want constant speculation.xx
Not OPKing this month trying to just be every other day. I did use OPKs previous month the cheap ones but ,I found myself agonising over the darkness of the lines and as I did t get a positive worried I wasn't ovulating which made me stressed so didn't order another batch.

I think if DTD every other day from CD8 -CD22 then at least 2 of those times will be within fertile window? Longest cycle of far 36 days but getting 1-2 days shorter each cycle since off bc xx
I had reflexology today from a chinese lady who seemed a vit shocked that since coming off bc that my periods were only lasting a day or trying not to let it bother me but surely its ok/normal for that?

Summertime the cheap opks are doing my head in this cycle so im using up what I have & if i dont get bfp then next cycle im going to do without or buy the digi.x
Finally the post BC bleed started (as I've read it's not AF but a breakthrough bleed - you only get a proper AF if you have ovulated. No ovulation = breakthrough bleed) so now I'm in my first post BC cycle. According to FF my possible O date is the 24th. I'm anxious to see if my body will gear up to ovulate and if not, what exactly it will do. I'm keeping my FX that everything will go as smoothly as possible and that I won't have anovulatory cycles or any problems. Hoping the Fertilaid will ease my reproductive system and give me some hormonal balance. I'll start taking OvaBoost and FertileCM from September. I've been reading a lot because this is such new territory for me, they say if you boost egg quality and all the rest three months prior to when you plan to TTC you should have quality eggs and CF when push comes to shove, so to speak. I'm just hoping that everything works down there.

Loveandpeace - I don't think you need to be concerned. BC will cause some wonky cycles and because it thins out the uterine lining you can expect to have shorter menses initially. As your uterine lining builds up it should become extended. Then again, you might be one of the lucky ones that have shorter menses. I wouldn't worry myself too much, if after a year and a half or so it still hasn't changed then I would think to consult a doctor.

Alexis - Big hugs sweetie

xxx good luck to all you beautiful ladies waiting for the big O
I had reflexology today from a chinese lady who seemed a vit shocked that since coming off bc that my periods were only lasting a day or trying not to let it bother me but surely its ok/normal for that?

Summertime the cheap opks are doing my head in this cycle so im using up what I have & if i dont get bfp then next cycle im going to do without or buy the digi.x

Hi my lovely read your post on your mum, it's a very difficult situation as I know you don't want anyone to you're TTC I hope you caught the egg this morning and are joining me in the TWW! I agree with one of the other posters that maybe your mum would be thrilled at the thought of you and your hubby having her grandchild and that may keep her stronger.

Hope you're feeling better today x
Not convinced I've ovulated this pains, no's cd17 so might still happen but I'm not feeling hopeful this month :-(

I haven't got much ewcm at all but cp is show and I'm getting quite bad sharp, shooting pains from both ovaries! I'm assuming this is ovulation as I'm on cd 13 although I've had left ovary pain since cd 1. I'm getting a bit fed up of the pain now, I'm hoping it calms down over the next couple of days otherwise I'm going to have to go to the Dr as I do feel something isn't right x
Good luck to everyone this month x
Against my better judgement I've used a couple of OPKs had left the cheap ones and barely getting a line, I should be ovulating in the next day according to the app, have had CM and my boobs are killing like before AF but only on CD21 a
Maybe ovulation pain? Managed to BD twice since the CM started so hoping not missed the fertile days as hubby away tonight x
I had reflexology today from a chinese lady who seemed a vit shocked that since coming off bc that my periods were only lasting a day or trying not to let it bother me but surely its ok/normal for that?

Summertime the cheap opks are doing my head in this cycle so im using up what I have & if i dont get bfp then next cycle im going to do without or buy the digi.x

Hi my lovely read your post on your mum, it's a very difficult situation as I know you don't want anyone to you're TTC I hope you caught the egg this morning and are joining me in the TWW! I agree with one of the other posters that maybe your mum would be thrilled at the thought of you and your hubby having her grandchild and that may keep her stronger.

Hope you're feeling better today x

Aw thank you Alilou!xx
Against my better judgement I've used a couple of OPKs had left the cheap ones and barely getting a line, I should be ovulating in the next day according to the app, have had CM and my boobs are killing like before AF but only on CD21 a
Maybe ovulation pain? Managed to BD twice since the CM started so hoping not missed the fertile days as hubby away tonight x

Good luck summertime!
I used the rest of my cheap OPKS and they just frustrated the hell out of me! I was getting faint 2nd lines, which according to the packet, is negative. There was one day I didn't use it which may have been the day I ovulated.

Anyway lets hope the spermies are there to catch the egg, good luck! xx
I caved and tested at 13dpo. BFN!!! Oh well, onto next month

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