May be starting??!

It HAS to be labour! Whatever it is you've had, send some my way, I'm getting really fed up with the pains that seem to disappear just when I start getting excited :(
God, I hate it when that happens. You gear yourself up all ready thinking about getting your last bits together ready for hospital and mentally prepare yourself for the long haul ahead and then.......NOTHING !!!!!!!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall:

Hopefully it won't be long. Go and run up and sown the stairs for a bit :lol:

:hug: :hug:

After the promising contractions I had this AM it's all stopped now too :x
I had painful contractions (felt like BH X 1000 that radiated into my lower ab, back and I could literally feel my cervix being forced open :shock: ) from 9pm last night -4am this morning . They were so intense I had to breathe through most of them. They never got more than 10 mins apart though and eventually tapered of so I finally got to sleep at about 5am.

What is my body playing at? Why won't it just go into labour properly. I don't think I can take days more of this I'm shattered. :cry:
chrystaltips said:
I had painful contractions (felt like BH X 1000 that radiated into my lower ab, back and I could literally feel my cervix being forced open :shock: ) from 9pm last night -4am this morning . They were so intense I had to breathe through most of them. They never got more than 10 mins apart though and eventually tapered of so I finally got to sleep at about 5am.

What is my body playing at? Why won't it just go into labour properly. I don't think I can take days more of this I'm shattered. :cry:

:cry: I feel you pain.

Literally.. I had several really painful contractions, some bleeding and I was just so shattered come 2am I thought I'd go to bed for a little while and well that was the WRONG thing to do.. because it all died away... Now I'm back to where I was yesterday.. :wall: :wall: :wall:
:pray: :pray: :pray: for you, squig, fothers, pilkers, ella, and anyone else who's paining but not gaining :( :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
What are these babies at :shakehead: :shakehead: little teases, they are all too busy :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: !!!

Personally I have still only had occasional strong cramps and the odd strong BH if I was getting more and it was coming and going I would crack :wall: :wall:

i thought it was actually happening last night... i woke up at 2am with really strong pains across my lower back and strong contractions...they were every 8 mins or so... had sharp shooting pains down my foof... they went on for about a couple of hours or so then slowly died away

why's it taking so bloomin' long?!!!
pilkers said:
i thought it was actually happening last night... i woke up at 2am with really strong pains across my lower back and strong contractions...they were every 8 mins or so... had sharp shooting pains down my foof... they went on for about a couple of hours or so then slowly died away

why's it taking so bloomin' long?!!!

It's so frustrating isn't it :wall: We were so sure at first as it had been going on for hours that we even got all the bags ready to go and my BF did his hair! When they started dying down I gave in and went to bed but kept having contractions all night so couldn't sleep anyway :x He on the other hand slept like a log :roll:

Is it just warm-ups or is it slow labour? and will it ever start properly?
Hello everyone- I REALLY thought I had started last night. I had contractions coming 7-10mins apart from 1.30am til 9am this morning. Really painful- could feel my cervix getting yanked open, really difficult to breathe through etc so I put up with them all night using tens machine and ball and called the hospital at 8.30am this morning. I had 2 or 3 more contractions and the IT ALL STOPPED
:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I am having the odd one now but more of a BH than anything and cramps but nothing like before. Had a load more show

WHEN WILL THIS END :x :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
fothers said:
Hello everyone- I REALLY thought I had started last night. I had contractions coming 7-10mins apart from 1.30am til 9am this morning. Really painful- could feel my cervix getting yanked open, really difficult to breathe through etc so I put up with them all night using tens machine and ball and called the hospital at 8.30am this morning. I had 2 or 3 more contractions and the IT ALL STOPPED
:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I am having the odd one now but more of a BH than anything and cramps but nothing like before. Had a load more show

WHEN WILL THIS END :x :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

Wow, your post reads EXACTLY the same as mine, apart from the show. I had the exact same painful contractions that felt like they were really opening my cervix every 10 mins from 9pm to 4am. I had trouble breathing through them and def couldn't have slept through them. Now all I'm getting is the odd BH. No period-type pains at all.

I agree, will it ever end??
Bah... never.. I've not even had a single pain today.. :wall: :wall: Some bh's but nothing strong or regular... loads more show about a fist full of congealed snot :puke: And some period type pains but nothing else..

I never had this with Tia.. I just popped.. one moment no pain next wave upon wave of contractions. Its just so annoying. :x :x :x

Dh keeps wanting me to go to the hospital because last time I was there I was monitored and had several strong contractions that I didn't even feel... but I'm not going till my contractions actually hurt rather than just feel uncomfy.
Think we need a group hug for all us overdue :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Just been reading about prodromal labour on the internet and they say it can go on for a few weeks :shock: Surely it can't last much longer when we are all overdue anyway?

They say it does mean your active labour is shorter though.

I have the dilema of my parents being in Scotland and they were going to drive down and stay down here for a few days after the birth. After much deliberation this morning my mum decided they would drive down anyway as she said 'surely you will start again tonight or later today?' so they are now at Carlisle. Having read the stuff on prodromal labour I now think what if it still hasn't happened by Wednesday and they need to go back home after a false alarm? :?

:pray: :pray: :pray:
I've got the same dad lives in Cyprus and everytime something starts I dont know whether to call him so he can book a flight or not! It's a nightmare!!!

I haven't had a show yet either although I don't think thats matters too much. And I'm worried that my pains are worse than I think because I'm tanked up on paracetamol for bad toothache anyway!!! :rotfl:
I've done this whole overdue thing twice now... wasn't any fun the first time either :x :x :x

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