So today, 6 days after my missed period I took a test.
And it was positive!!!
Going by my app am due 14th May.
1st pregnancy!!!
Nervous, Happy, Excited!! So many feelings!!!
Wow huge congrats hunny... Let me let you in on a secret... It's my 3rd and I'm Absolutely cr@pp*ng my pants!
Glad its not just me Im terrified!!
I'm scared of everything... Something going wrong being the main one. I have an awful feeling on a daily basis and try keeping myself busy. I suffer with a little anxiety anyway.
Then I think how am I going to cope if I'm poorly in pregnancy again, how will the kids Iv got cope, how will we cope space wise, money wise... Need a bit bigger car.
My youngest is nearly 7 and I saved nothing from her so I'm starting from scratch.
All the advice has changed so much regarding what to do with baby ect...
I'm 3 stone over weight (started slimming world 7 weeks ago)
Everything scares me Lmao!