May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Nearly all the names I like my husband hates, or he associates them with something. He doesn't seem able to come up with any names himself though which makes it difficult! We have been going through film credits and things as a bit of amusement. We are good at coming up with terrible names we both think are awful though haha.
We also have a name for a girl sorted but not sure of a first name if it's a boy. Middle name is sorted though as it runs in both families.
Snowbee. We do that, come up with awful names lol. We have our girls name I think but boys are hard. My OH is Polish and has long surname so can't really have a long first name if you know what I mean. We will think of something xx
How lovely is it that we are all discussing gender and names. We have come a long way ladies xx
I know! Exciting times.

I have been debating choosing a really terrible name and then telling everyone we are seriously calling them it... Then at least there should be less comments when the actual name is revealed!
Haha, we have said the same. We want to wind my OH dad up with an awful name lol xx
We really have all come a long way. We're getting so close to that 2nd trimester now.

For us, the girls name is easiest as it's tradition to name the first born girl after her grandmother, but a variation of the name can be use, so that's the decision factor there. We both love the name, too, so we are happy to use it. The boys name could change- no tradition there. Are bigger decision is the surname. We both kept our names and neither of us really like our surnames, so we need to decide what to do there. Our names don't hyphenate well- combining a Polish and Dutch surname doesn't seem advisable.
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I've got some girls names I like I like unusual names lol but can't think of any boys names!
We'll be finding out gender and I'm really hoping for a pink one! I know it won't really matter in the long run as I love bubba regardless but a little girl would be perfect.

Ery I can't believe you've got such a bump already!! I can't wait to get a proper bump.

Leigh I'm glad all was OK at your scan although I must say I'm glad I'm not having twins! The thought terrifies me! Lol!

I've not been able to find hb today. Might go and have another try but the boiler man was due at 2 so guaranteed he'll turn up when in covered in gel and trousers pulled down!! Lol!!

Here's my non bumpy at 10 weeks... Yes I'm in PJ's but what is more comfy than PJs eh?!



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Bubs has prob just moved. I found it hard to find and could only catch for a short time. They are so tiny it's a wonder we can find it in the first place xx
I'll get hubby to have a go later.

He found it right away last time!

My belly is ridiculous! It must be bloat but it's really hard too! We like unusual names but our son has a more traditional name. As for surnames... when we got married we both changed our surname completely! It's still a name that's been in our families and I really like how it would go with our daughters name much better than his previous surname lol. I super love the name Loki for a boy but it would be unfair on our son as his name is a lot more "traditional" I would love to find a comic book themed name for a boy though as our sons name was influenced by erm... Buffy and Angel lol.

Emily I'm sure bubs has just moved! And yay for us talking positively for once!
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I used to love buffy and Angel, my first proper boyfriend looked just like him but with fairer hair.
I have bumpage too, I don't think it is bloat. It stays there when I lay down. At first it flattened. Not anymore. I can't wait for a big bump though xx
I like the name esme for a girl. I like the name loki for a boy ery
My friends daughter is called esme it is beautiful at first we were like what? But then it was aww lol
I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer!! Best. Series. Ever.

We've got a girls name that we both like but nothing really for a boy that we can both agree on.

Our boiler is broken and we've got two engineers round to fix it. One of them had to pop out to pick something up and I joked that if he wanted coffee he'd have to pick up some milk as I'd run out. He came back with four pints of semi skimmed and a packet of cookies all his treat!! How nice is that?!

Awww that's lovely :)
BTW, I really want to watch buffy again. I wonder if it's on amazon or Netflix? Xx

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