May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Yay for 7 weeks x not long til scan day ! Hope you get to see a happy healthy little baby in there.
I've just lost my tea what I've been through so far there better be a baby in there lmao.
thanks girls I missed their call so will wait to hear from them when they phone again
I hope you are ok Nikki x good it has slowed, at 8 weeks I bled very very heavy with harrison but he was fine, then again at 12 weeks passing a big clot and still he was ok so it does not always mean the worse. I hope u get through tomorrow and I hope your scan goes ok on Monday x

Maybe those levels sound very good I think x

Lou x
thanks lou. I seem to be prone to early bleeding happened with both my boys as well
I hope it's just normal for you then hun x I bled with my son from tri 2.
I have had bleeding with this pregnancy too but just like a light period for a few days a week ago but I had spotting with Harrison at the same stage also before big bleed at 8 weeks, I worry about being on aspirin and the same thing happening at 8 weeks but they told me to keep taking it!

It could be that we are both just bleeders!! What time is your scan on Monday? X if the bleeding has slowed that's a good sign X
Hope everyone is OK this morning?

I've just been wretching but again not actually sick. I've had such a busy morning I didn't eat until it was too late and I was already feeling well and truly pukey!

Driving to Bristol shortly with my mum so going to stock up on snacks for the drive so I can hopefully keep my sickness at bay! Don't want to give the game away if I can help it!

My game has been totally given away lol. I think everyone knows thanks to my shop floor stunt lol. My backs a bit better today I'm just so so tired? Anyone else?
bleeding stopped last night had a scan this morning she could see a sac measuring 5-6 weeks but no baby so got to go back I'm 10 days to see if it's progressing :( got a hemmorage which is where the bleeding is probably coming from
At least it's measuring where it should and they found a cause for the bleeding x
I'm guessing the yolk sac is what she meant? she just said it's very early and can't see a baby yet. the next 10 days are going to drag :( fearing the worst. dates are good tho I thought I was about 6 weeks so might be a few days earlier but the next scan is to see if the pregnancy is progresshing don't know what caused the hemmorage she said most of the time they go away on their own. my ovaries are fine she checked them aswell
Hi Girls!

Glad everyone is doing ok!

Nikki the first thing seen on a scan is a gestational sac looks like a black circle.

The next is a yolk sac, basically a blob within the black circle.

Scan for me at 3pm told hubby now!

I could see something in the circle just like a blurry white bit she didn't explain it very well
don't think there was a yolk sac just a black circle. I'm so worried :( guess I could be earlier than I thought I was but 10 days is such a long time to wait :(
This is an embryo looks more like a bean!

You need to be over 6 weeks to see this.



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I knew exactly how far I was last time and still got dated back. Try not to worry. When are you 6+2?

I'm sure you can think of a way to get another scan before then!! 😉

Nikki - sounds pretty positive that they found the cause of the bleeding. Fingers crossed your next scan goes well.

I'm feeling pretty rough still. Most of the time it feels like painful trapped wind. Sometimes it moves downwards... Sometimes burping is the only way of release! Some dry wrenching. I've been sick for the first time today.
I'm pretty sensitive to smells at the moment. Garlic, onion, raw meat, coffee. And I can't face eating anything too sweet either!
Hubby's been great though and I haven't had to change a dirty nappy for a couple of weeks.
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I thought I was 6+1 today but my cycles are irregular so I guess I could only be 5 or so week's. just stressing out

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