May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Yeah if someone told me 10yrs ago I would end up feeling the need to pee on a stick everyday and would start to feel anxious if I didn't pwe on a stick I would be like wtf! But it's strangely cathartic and makes peeing more interesting. I found a box of urine tests that test for all sorts ph blood protein etc that had been left here by the nurse who previously owned the house......

More things to piss on!! Wooooohooooo!!!!
It's very hard not to compare, especially after our little ones that didn't make it, however..... compare yes, but don't dwell, dwelling leads to over thinking, over analysing and looking for be negatives.

It is a very good saying, and it's something that I say to myself a good few times a day!!! I have 2 horses, 4 dogs and a part time job so I have to keep on as normal! Which at the moment is easy as I have zero symptoms. Lol
Yea I'm just lay here analysing everything coz I can't work and it's not helping but also I guess I'm taking it easy for the first time lol
Yea I'm just lay here analysing everything coz I can't work and it's not helping but also I guess I'm taking it easy for the first time lol

Feet up relaxing is good, but why don't you occupy your mind with a good film and some naughty nibbles! Lol

Change of subject maybe! Lol ok what pregnancy vitamins is everyone on and why? Today I've come off my 7 seas trying for a baby and changed over to pregnecare max, why? Because my sister just had a baby all fine and dandy and that's what she took! Lol
Lol I have this 7yr old thing who's deciding what entertainment I get.. so stampy longnose alllllll day!!!!!!!


I'm on pregnacare coz I had that with my son and I thought I'd try the liquid form because the pills sometimes leave a bad taste.... well.... someone really really needs to think their product through. Women suffering morning sickness do not like to swallow 2 x 5ml spoons of what tastes like a cats arse. Nuh uh no thank you. So I'm back on pill format after randomly finding some I a dressing gown picket that are still in date!

I'm also on prescription folic acid and 75mg baby aspirin.
Lol cats arse taste, yuck!!! Hope the pills are ok!? They better not be big! Seven seas are titchy, can't do big ones! The box is like less than a foot away, opening now... Yep, they're pretty f'ing big!! Wonderful!! So that's 3 big buggers a day!!! Lovely, bet I start getting sickness and symptoms oncce I start taking these! Lol
I'm taking Tesco's own brand pregnancy vitamins. I take them with food and so far they haven't made me feel ill.
My hcg didn't quite double..

1151 to 2255.

I guess it's nearly a double but I'd feel better if it was a bit better.

They've booked me an early scan for the 26th.

Let's hope I make it!

I'm sure someone on here mentioned that a rise of 60% or more is considered ok.

Keeping everything crossed for you hun.

Will you get more bloods in the meantime or just wait until your scan now?

I am new to this group , have one boy6yrs and a girl 1yr and expecting again not sure how many weeks as I have scan on 21 Sep , I guess I'm in 6th week .😆
Maybe Baby, that figure has near enough doubled. I would see that as really positive!

Oh no, Nikki, I hope everything's ok.
I'm sure someone on here mentioned that a rise of 60% or more is considered ok.

Keeping everything crossed for you hun.

Will you get more bloods in the meantime or just wait until your scan now?


I'll do them Monday. Just for peace of mind.

If I get lucky I may get to see a yolk sac tomorrow hcg needs to be > 2500 so should definitely be that.

I may only be 4+5 today based on my opks I've based being 4+6 on when I thought ov was rather than the day after my surge. I could even be 4+4 I'll know tomorrow based on the size of the sac.

Oh no Nikki.

Got my fingers crossed that everything is ok for you.

Hopefully you'll be able to see something on the scan.

I'm sure everything's fine though. Although your bloods haven't doubled, they've as good as so I'm sure little one(s) growing away nicely in there!


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